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What possibly has happened to the Marine after the events of the game?


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We all know how it ended. The marine saved humanity, the fleet arrived, he went back to Earth and everybody lived happily ever after.... or didn't they?


Since I'm a huge Doom 3 fan from the beginning I always got this question in my mind: what the heck has happened to the Marine?

It's not only about curiosity. It's much more.. more personal. One day, you'll understand why I was there and why I said this ;)


I have worked out 2 theories about the possibilities during the years and I would like to see what you think about those or what are your opinions:


1. He was killed off.

After the "accident' we both now, leaving witnesses would bring a great danger to the company ( how people would believe the story is a different question. If they WOULD ever find it true). So, they had to make the only logical choice to keep the UAC's little secret.

This murder could have happened a few days after the defeat of the demons or much later in the future, at the end of the new experiments (where he was the test subject). But whatever was before his death, it occurred in this version. 


I do find this acceptable and not:

- It does work because if led a multinational company, I would do the same. I don't want my empire to collapse and I have no other choices.


- It doesn't work (perfectly) since Dr. McNeil was still alive. She did know about Betruger, the demons and (maybe) about the possibility of the invasion. She left the place in a hurry (remember the PDA that you found in Delta labs), before or during the attack but I can say, she must have been involved somehow. She and the Board might have made a deal to keep her mouth shut for a very good reason.


2. He wasn't killed off, he was allowed to go back to his family as the company was still observing him (he was still an employee).

Maybe not the easiest way to not to let the truth brought out but this could have happened too. Monitoring a guy who knows too much, letting him alive because of a new and humanitarian choice while waiting for him to make a mistake, wiping him out before the worst happens. It's like playing with fire. The marine may have known, if he had spoken too much, he would have been killed with his family and his friends. 


- I find it good because it brings out a new storyline, a new way of happenings that could lead to the future, even after Roe's events, preparing for something worse. 


- It's not fine because they could just easily choose the first way, and everything would go as I said before. 



Alright, this is the moment, when you come in and tell me what you find possible or not. I would love to listen to own ideas too! If you have! 


I really hope the second version would be as good as the first one. Because if not, I have to throw out my whole project out of the window. And that would be great!


Anyway, Thanks for the help! Have a nice day!


( P.s.: Sorry if my English is not that good, I'm from Eastern Europe)


Edited by BlackDahlia1997
I made a mistake.

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I could also imagine the UAC locked him away for some time in a mental asylum. The official story would be that he suffered from teleportation-induced psychosis.

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In case there could be a leak of evidence involving murder, combat and questionable practices they could admit something went terribly wrong but pin the issues on betruger and frame the marine as a mentally ill murderer from the disaster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As with most if not all marines in every Doom game, the Doom 3 marine was a generic character who was never given a name or personal background. It's basically IDs way of saying that you, the player, are the marine. So in other words I really don't think there is an actual explanation as to what happens to him after the events of Doom 3. The character is too generic, and it isn't the same as asking about what happens to, say, Marcus Fenix after the ending of Gears of War 1 (if you didn't already know).

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  On 2/20/2018 at 8:28 AM, Reaper8888 said:

As with most if not all marines in every Doom game, the Doom 3 marine was a generic character who was never given a name or personal background. It's basically IDs way of saying that you, the player, are the marine. So in other words I really don't think there is an actual explanation as to what happens to him after the events of Doom 3. The character is too generic, and it isn't the same as asking about what happens to, say, Marcus Fenix after the ending of Gears of War 1 (if you didn't already know).


Yeeeaaah, we already know this. He may be not so interesting for some, he's not the Blood God himself or a fearless marine who kills every god damn demons which get in his ways without breaking a sweat. However, for me: he is. My question was not only based on curiosity. Yet, It is much more. In my eyes, Doom 3 has a huge potential in storytelling, even being a perfect place for novels and short stories. And of course, not only about the Marine all the time. So maybe the games' stories have beginnings and ends but for me, those are just well-seen parts in a huge picture. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Doom 3: Maelstrom, John Kane (Doomguy) gets his leg chopped off by a chainsaw zombie after he successfully defeated the Cyberdemon and closed the hell hole on Mars. He is saved by another survivor.

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  On 2/6/2018 at 4:13 AM, Chezza said:

In case there could be a leak of evidence involving murder, combat and questionable practices they could admit something went terribly wrong but pin the issues on betruger and frame the marine as a mentally ill murderer from the disaster.


This is a terribly cynical and lazy way to wrap up Doom 3. Basically it prevents any progress, humans will be doing the same thing and will be decimated by the same demons, again and again, for a Doomguy to clean up the mess. There'll be no scientific progress, no prevention of future invasions. Just the corrupt stupidity of UAC keeping everything in doom.


I'd rather play a sequel where humans have learned from the mistakes which led to the demonic invasion, but hell tries plan B.

Edited by printz

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  On 3/3/2018 at 6:12 AM, Ex Oblivione said:

In Doom 3: Maelstrom, John Kane (Doomguy) gets his leg chopped off by a chainsaw zombie after he successfully defeated the Cyberdemon and closed the hell hole on Mars. He is saved by another survivor.


Yeah, I don't really care about the Doom3 novels. I consider that storyline as an "alternative version", nothing else. It was nice of you for telling me/us but since I'm looking for new pieces for a storyline that can start a new chain of events, I refuse to take that as canon or anything. 

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  On 3/3/2018 at 8:59 PM, BlackDahlia1997 said:

Yeah, I don't really care about the Doom3 novels. I consider that storyline as an "alternative version", nothing else. It was nice of you for telling me/us but since I'm looking for new pieces for a storyline that can start a new chain of events, I refuse to take that as canon or anything. 



Oh I thought the Doom 3 novels were canon because they were written by Matthew J. Costello who also wrote the Doom 3 game story. 


As for a new chain of events I guess the UAC would cover it up and say there was some kind of nuclear meltdown. Doomguy would  be locked away in some top secret facility and be interrogated and experimented on.

Edited by Ex Oblivione

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  On 3/3/2018 at 9:39 PM, Ex Oblivione said:


Oh I thought the Doom 3 novels were canon because they were written by Matthew J. Costello who also wrote the Doom 3 game story. 


As for a new chain of events I guess the UAC would cover it up and say there was some kind of nuclear meltdown. Doomguy would  be locked away in some top secret facility and be interrogated and experimented on.


Some people say it's canon, some people don't. 


And for your version: It is pretty much possible. A long way until a painful and slow death, through the tortures. I can already see the picture of moments, more alive than ever. Yes, It is a perfect material for a longer short story. 


Since I posted this question, I had a little talk about this with one of my buddies. He came up with a very good idea: let's stick to option 2. The UAC left him alive. And here comes the twist: what if the company has the technology to wipe out memories and brainwash people for their own good? Because this could happen here too. He comes back from recovery as "nothing" happened, almost everything goes back to normal. However, he would still remember a few things from the "real past" through his dreams. Terrified probably every night, getting slowly to a serious breakdown.


As far as I know, my future novel's storyline will be built on this idea. Of course, it depends on the fans' opinions. If they think this couldn't make a good story, then I guess I have to come up with something else which is not a problem. Yet. 







Edited by BlackDahlia1997

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The UAC in Doom 3 is not the evil and crazy UAC of Doom 2016. Swann and Elizabeth McNeil aren't villains. They wouldn't send troops to kill the one marine who freed their Mars installations from hellspawn.

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  On 3/5/2018 at 8:53 PM, Tetzlaff said:

The UAC in Doom 3 is not the evil and crazy UAC of Doom 2016. Swann and Elizabeth McNeil aren't villains. They wouldn't send troops to kill the one marine who freed their Mars installations from hellspawn.


 They were the only persons who stood on the right side with such great power. As I saw their work was all about finding solutions. Whatever they did, it was all about making things right. If we called both of them heroes too, we are not far from the truth. 


And to be honest, I can imagine the UAC in Doom3 as an overly too powerful company, where the members of the Board has the potency to do whatever they intended, order that is best for the profit. Pushing their people to the limits, driving crazy or killing some with no regrets, secret biological and weapon experiments, business on the Black Market and so on. With them, everything that is supposed to be prohibited is at that time is legal. Of course, everything is behind the public. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just stumbled upon this and thought I would leave my take on things here.


I think that the UAC let him live. They did not kill him, at least not immediately, because his experience would be an invaluable commodity to the UAC. They would definitely keep tabs on him, so that the fact that UAC performed ridiculously dangerous experiments that could threaten humanity as we know it wouldn't go public. They'd probably offer him an extremely high position in the UAC hierarchy and if he refused, just lock him up / warn him that if he spills the beans, he and everyone he knows would be terminated.


As said, this is not the rebooted UAC which is basically a cult worshipping Hell, but just a massive company that dabbled in very dangerous research of teleportation and accidentally tapped into the Hell dimension. This was made even worse by the fact, that the research was headed by the magalomaniac Dr. Betruger.


But the main question is, where did they go after the end of Doom 3? Did they leave Mars immediately and went to Earth? Did they stay on Mars for a while?

This is very important, because some time after this, UAC sent a team to investigate why the moons of Mars also went silent and it all proceeds to the events at the end of Doom 1. If the marine from Doom 3 returned to Earth, he was most likely killed in the invasion that started at the end of Doom 1.


So the key question is, how long is the period between Doom 3 and Doom 1 and where he is at the moment Earth gets attacked.

Edited by idbeholdME

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  On 3/21/2018 at 10:17 AM, idbeholdME said:

Just stumbled upon this and thought I would leave my take on things here.


I think that the UAC let him live. They did not kill him, at least not immediately, because his experience would be an invaluable commodity to the UAC. They would definitely keep tabs on him, so that the fact that UAC performed ridiculously dangerous experiments that could threaten humanity as we know it wouldn't go public. They'd probably offer him an extremely high position in the UAC hierarchy and if he refused, just lock him up / warn him that if he spills the beans, he and everyone he knows would be terminated.


As said, this is not the rebooted UAC which is basically a cult worshipping Hell, but just a massive company that dabbled in very dangerous research of teleportation and accidentally tapped into the Hell dimension. This was made even worse by the fact, that the research was headed by the magalomaniac Dr. Betruger.


But the main question is, where did they go after the end of Doom 3? Did they leave Mars immediately and went to Earth? Did they stay on Mars for a while?

This is very important, because some time after this, UAC sent a team to investigate why the moons of Mars also went silent and it all proceeds to the events at the end of Doom 1. If the marine from Doom 3 returned to Earth, he was most likely killed in the invasion that started at the end of Doom 1.


So the key question is, how long is the period between Doom 3 and Doom 1 and where he is at the moment Earth gets attacked.



In my opinion, Doom 3 has a separate timeline from Doom 1 and 2. Since the game is a reboot, I never took it as a prelude to the classics. Doom 4's situation is much more difficult in this question, I have theories for that too but not for now.



Did the stay on Mars for a while? I can't imagine that. He wanted to leave that sh*thole as soon as possible and with the rescuing team, he had the chance to finally say goodbye to the place of living nightmares. For how long? The future might have told him. 

In my own storyline, he was taken to the Aurora (an enormous space station not so far from the Moon, owned by the UAC) after he was found. He had a little time (to recover a bit) before a not very serious questioning started in his room with a guy who was hired by the Board to lead the investigation. After that, more bad things happened. But I don't wanna spoil it. Hopefully, the day will come to know about the continuation.

And I'm pretty sure about one thing: Hell's Invasion on Earth did occur. When, where, how are not so important now. Everybody can have ideas for this. What I'm trying to point out is that I don't think that he may have died during the attack (only if he was that unlucky). He has the experience, maybe enough to survive attack waves until he can get out of there (on his own or with his family). He could mean a real advantage during the fight forwhy he had gone through those terrible things. Also, i could think he had become some kind of commander during the fights (still working for the UAC? Who knows!), leading his and other teams against the armies of Hell with successes. 




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I 100% take Doom 1-2-3 as a single timeline and it fits in nicely, going chronologically 3-1-2.


Doom 4 is completely separate from everything and is a definite reboot, no question about that.

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Whereas Doom 2016 is the game being deliberately vague about its connections, while simultaneously hinting very heavily that it is in fact, somehow, connected to all the other games.

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  On 3/22/2018 at 4:12 PM, Pyrolex said:

Except that id said that Doom 3 plays out as if "Doom and Doom II never happened".



Maybe because Doom 3 is a prequel, to Doom 1 and 2. You know, the first appearance of demons, start of the demon invasion.... Anyone? Hello?


Plays out as if they "never happened" doesn't mean that they can't come after. Could be just a marketing thing they said for people to not expect Doom 3 to be a sequel to the first 2. Source would be nice.



  On 3/22/2018 at 5:11 PM, Quasar said:

Whereas Doom 2016 is the game being deliberately vague about its connections, while simultaneously hinting very heavily that it is in fact, somehow, connected to all the other games.



Vague about what? I didn't get that vibe AT ALL. All i got was: Start of the game - "DOOMSLAYER ANGRY!!! DOOMSLAYER SMASH!!!!" - hint at a smidgeon of personality when making a backup of Vega - End of story.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/23/2018 at 10:25 AM, idbeholdME said:

Vague about what? I didn't get that vibe AT ALL. All i got was: Start of the game - "DOOMSLAYER ANGRY!!! DOOMSLAYER SMASH!!!!" - hint at a smidgeon of personality when making a backup of Vega - End of story.



There are hints in the various pieces of documentation that on the whole can be taken one of two ways. Doom 2016 is a complete reboot with Easter egg references, or this really is the OG Doomguy after a whole life time of events, (Referred to as dimension hopping) where he went off and settled down with another civilization (hence why his armor is distinct from the rest of the Night Sentinels including in all the tablets we see of him/them.) etc, etc...


As to Doom 3 marine's fate. I always assumed that he relinquished the Soul Cube to McNeil with a certain understanding in mind. Honestly the situation was more or less contained until ROE's protagonist went and fingered a demonic artifact... But yeah, the UAC of Doom 3 was a lot more multi-layer than the mustache twirling cult-of-personality types they are in Doom 2016. I always liked their more nuanced portrayal. The corporate lackey turns out to not be so bad after all. 

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  • 1 month later...

I get the feeling he wouldn't have been silenced. He may have been interrogated and asked to testify against Bertruger, however. After all, councillor Swan wanted to stop Bertruger, so it's possible people in high places would help him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The idea that the Doom marine doesn't have any character is nonsense, because in the book "the making of Doom 3" a section of the book consists of what is basically the at the time entire "script" for Doom 3, which is basically Doom 3 in a written story format. In this story all the characters have a personality, including the Doom marine who not only constantly thinks to himself but even talks to some of the other characters. He's not actually very well written though, and is pretty much a low iq meathead that often makes dumb or even downright comically stupid observations on what is happening around him such as during the early stages of the invasion where he poses the theory to sergeant kelly that the zombies are just drug addicts...


EDIT: Remember that the marine has all the pdas he collected of others and so he has plenty of proof to show that hell did indeed invade.

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/22/2018 at 5:35 AM, Duke of Pathoris said:

Also, Doom 3 Marine is a human. He's not a god like Doom Slayer. He probably has PTSD over it. Needs to recover.



Having beaten Doom 3 recently, I concur with this. Doom Marine looks like hell in the final cutscene. It's fair to assume he was exhausted and sleep deprived to some extent if we consider the events of the game to have occurred in the span of one day(ish). God knows I'd be unwilling to try and sleep comfortably in that base, even if I already did destroy the Cyberdemon. He's no Doom Slayer, so that Marine probably got De-Briefed, involved in Red Tape BS, and hopefully some R&R.


  On 6/5/2018 at 12:10 AM, hardcore_gamer said:

 Remember that the marine has all the pdas he collected of others and so he has plenty of proof to show that hell did indeed invade.



Ditto on this. The PDAs give a ton of backstory. Hell, the UAC already was aware of bizarre shit going on. That's why the board decided to send Counselor Swann in the first place. McNeil was the Whistleblower for the whole thing, as detailed in PDA entries. Plus, Betruger was shown to be paranoid, and keen to keep info about the happenings in the base from getting out after McNeil managed to transfer out with Betruger not realizing how much she actually knew about what was going on.

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What I don't understand is why nobody appears to talk about hell or even be aware of it's existence at the start of RoE. At that point 1 year had passed since Doom 3 so the UAC must have known about what happened. And yet there is no evidence of this during RoE. In fact why was the UAC even back on Mars?

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  On 6/26/2018 at 11:23 AM, Dana said:


Having beaten Doom 3 recently, I concur with this. Doom Marine looks like hell in the final cutscene. ... He's no Doom Slayer, so that Marine probably got De-Briefed, involved in Red Tape BS, and hopefully some R&R.



Not to mention psychological help. He may even be given a role as a hell consultant for the UAC - him being the only one who knows how to fight it.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 6/28/2018 at 5:43 AM, Duke of Pathoris said:

Not to mention psychological help. He may even be given a role as a hell consultant for the UAC - him being the only one who knows how to fight it.


That's sort of what I'd like to think of would happen - the three protagonists of the three episodes all become consultants, or maybe go-to anti-Hell fighters for Earth and UAC. After all, that seems to be what happened in the original Doom universe in Final Doom, to some extent. Nothing in any of the three in-game endings indicates that the D3 version of UAC treats the surviving marines with anything other than respect and gratitude.

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