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Walls, looking down, and ZDOOM

Woolie Wool

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Have you noticed the weird effects you get when you look way, way down in ZDOOM? The walls appear to be slanted outwards, the textures are warped and distorted, and the flats do this weird thing when you turn left and right while looking down. What causes this? The Build engine NEVER does that, and its level structure doesn't seem very different from DOOM's.

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bah, looking in doom is for boobs. Play Quake or somethin!
A few other ports don't have these weird draw issues. Legacy looks pretty good when using look. i try to keep the play as original as possible, so jumping and looking are not used often (ever).

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Because I don't think Build lets you look quite as far up/down as ZDoom does, which I admit does look a little ridiculous if you look up/down as far as possible. The further from horizontal you go, the worse it looks.

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Wanna play Doom under High Rez? Use the latest PrBoom, it's as close to original as you can get.

Cadman - Member TeamTNT

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There is another parameter that makes duke levels have beter visuals than doom ones and that is higher resolution.

Currently ZDoom supports high resolution textures but there ar very few wads that use this feature, but if there is one you will see the difference by the neat feel of the level and sharp textures.

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you can set the height of mouse look using the m_pitch command in the console. fool around till you find a height that doesn't shear so much. personally I don't use the look feature, unless there is some wicked architecture to look at.

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VileSlay said:

you can set the height of mouse look using the m_pitch command in the console. fool around till you find a height that doesn't shear so much. personally I don't use the look feature, unless there is some wicked architecture to look at.

Hey Vileslay, so folks aren't misled, it'd be best to point out that m_pitch controls the rate or sensitivity of looking with the forward/backward movement of the mouse. It doesn't actually change the maximum extent of up or down looking. I don't like it too sensitive, so I've reduced my m_pitch compared to my m_yaw (side to side aiming, or turning). The other mouse variables are m_forward, which controls the amount of forward/backward movement when the mouse is moved forward/backward, and mouse_sensitivity which has an overall effect. Looking into the zdoom.ini file, I also see m_side which is for mouse strafing sensitivity (I haven't used this, use strafe keys only).

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my bad, biff. I guess my memory of the txt file doesn't serve me well, but your right. I never messed with it so I didn't know. sorry to misslead anyone.

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Cadman said:

Wanna play Doom under High Rez? Use the latest PrBoom, it's as close to original as you can get.

Cadman - Member TeamTNT

But I don't want to use a source port that's that close to the original. I want to be able to jump and look around.

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Heh, I didn't want to start an argument with Erik, I just get sorta' tired of hearing people complain about mlook. It's just an option, not a requirement. Some people like it, some don't. I like it in solo play, tend not to use it in DM. With my zdaemon config, I have mlook as a "momentary" option, so for the occasional case where I want to angle a shot up or down, say put a few rockets up through the window in that silo in tntblood map11 (the red barn) I can do it, then return to level firing. :)

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Erik said:

mlook is for quakers

Mlook is for DooMers who've wanted it since the game was released but which id was too lazy to implement.

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Well, when id made doom engine he implemented an astounding lots of new features inside it that was a revolution, then they focused on Quake engine that had mlook options and let other companies to implement it in it`s older engine, so you see?

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DooMBoy said:

Mlook is for DooMers who've wanted it since the game was released but which id was too lazy to implement.

Not lazy you fool. Doom has really no reason for mlook when you can automatically hit anything above and below you. It makes it pointless to be able to look up and down.

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Sphagne, see what?

In my personal opinion mouselook does not make the game more entertaining, but if people like it, good for them. I remember a few years back (like 3) I was playing more Duke Nukem than DOOM, probably because of its additional features, like mlook and jumping and whatnot. Then I found doom legacy and said "wow, this has everything Duke has, but it's DOOM!" I practically stopped playing duke3d and played much more DOOM. Later I switched to using zdoom (which I fealt was less amateurish) almost exclusively, with mouselook and all. But eventually that grew old, and I "rediscovered" doom/doom2.

When people say mlook is for Quake they are talking about a fundamental feature in doom (as opposed to almost any newer game) that is its "standardness" meaning that there are no options, all players play pretty much the same (simple?) game and its speed (and mouselook slows things down by adding another dimension.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Use3D said:

bah, looking in doom is for boobs. Play Quake or somethin!

Its a feature that restrained the orignal, now you can see more of the beaty maps. And if lookin theres for boobs, im there dude.

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