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i cant wait!!! I want this game some bad!!im insane


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i can tell you all how much i cant wait for this to come out. i wish i can just get it tomorrow...i hope they finish it faster. or by or after christmas.please come out soon im very anxious to play i mean atleaset give me a a demo or somthing..like they did with RTCW i can play one online or single player demo for a few months...sorry to go on and on but i really cant wait. thanks

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Hello, and welcome to the DW Doom 3 General forum. I'm Moderator no. 2 of this forum.

To begin with, I'd like to tell you that I'm sure a lot of us feel the same as you, but we know that id needs time to perfect the game. It means a lot to us that id Software don't rush this game and make sure that it becomes a worthy follow up to the original series.

So my advice to you is to take it easy and try and enjoy the games that are presently out - Doom 3 will come, don't worry, but id needs time to make it work good without too many bugs. Ok?

Another thing: I'm not sure that posting a whole thread about this is such a good idea. No offence, but there are a lot of people who already feel the same as you - it is nothing that can be discussed in detail and might therefore only generate spam and ridiculous comments. Now, if you made this post in an existing thread (provided that it would've been on topic and/or appropriate), then it wouldn't have been quite so bad.

Just don't do that again please.

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It's ok, I just warned you about what *might* not be the best idea.
But you're welcome to join any discussion we have about Doom 3 or come up with new ideas to discuss - just do us all (yourself included) a favor and read Flathead's FAQ thread at the top of the Doom 3 General forum page if you haven't already.

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Hello. I'm Lord FlatHead, proud bearer of the "Doom III Moderator Nr. 1" title. Welcome, good to see some good old fashioned enthousiasm on this forum - feel free to poke around and ask questions. Don't take things too seriously, don't ask dsm about the Lost Souls, and may the Carmack have mercy on our mortal souls.

Doom forever.

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Hello I'm BigBadGangsta, one of the Super Moderators on these forums. I wrote a detailed FAQ on the general rules of the DW forums as a whole, which you can read here. It is recommended that you do :)

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Hello, Im Hobo-Dan I run the mills down the ol' farmers lane. I'm going to leave now, cause I think I took too many Glucose tablets 0.o
Fid-a-lee Dee...

...Also, Patience Grasshopper, when Doom III comes out u'll be glad that id spent so long on it and understand why they did so, good things take long time spands.

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Dima said:

Welcome to the DW forum m8! As you can see, we are all very anxious to get our hands on this game! :)

Only 8 months to go :P

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Yea, id can can take long as they want on Doom3 IMO, for 2 reasons -

A) I saw what happens when a game gets rushed when THPS3 PC got released... sooo many bugs and unfinshed bits.

B) I need time to save up and buy a new CPU/Motherboard :P

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AirRaid said:

8 Months? w00t. I was thinking I only had like 6.

Well. They say it wil be released in 2003, so it's the 1st January or later. They also say it will be before E3, so it will be May 21st (or so) or sooner. Anytime in between.

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well that sounds good only 6- 8 mo's i can wait that long.cause i just go a new computer just to play that game anyway. do you think it is 6-8 mos for the full version? or the demo. hopfully the demo comes out sooner

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sickdrummer said:

well that sounds good only 6- 8 mo's i can wait that long.cause i just go a new computer just to play that game anyway. do you think it is 6-8 mos for the full version? or the demo. hopfully the demo comes out sooner

The specs of your new comp?

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p4 2.53ghz w/533fsb
512 ram upgradable to 2gig
2 80gig drives setup as Raid 0 so it acts like160gig but with crazy speed.
Gforce 4 ti4200 128ram
Soundblaster live 5.1
DvD player
15' flat panel monitor.
Hopfully this will do it. i mean i run right now SOF 2 with all the seting turned way up and that shit fly's.let me know what you think.Plus i have a demo of that Game KREED which is similar to DOOM3(graphics intense..but Doom 3 with be better i think) and it runs super fast and looks great.

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Hi i'm Ultimate Demon and i'm a DOOM64 ( Doom2 ) lover =)

One thing... Am i going to get banned? I called myself the_unknown128 ( maybe only The Unknown ) here befour i got banned. I didn't do anything and if i did i hope i will not get banned again. I love this forum :(

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Lord FlatHead said:

I bought a GF4ti4200 today, I'm happy with it though it's becoming painfully apparent that my 900Mhz CPU is becoming a bottleneck.

Why did you get a gf4 when you can get the radeon9700 for the same price?

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Heh... I got a Ti4400 about a month ago now... great card, but I'm wondering whether I should have waited for the NV30...

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gatewatcher said:

Why did you get a gf4 when you can get the radeon9700 for the same price?

that's right. i bought my Ti4600 back in june and paid $350 for it. Now i wouldn't even consider buying it with with the Radeon out. It spanks the Ti4600 rightfully up and down.

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Shaviro said:

Well. They say it wil be released in 2003, so it's the 1st January or later. They also say it will be before E3, so it will be May 21st (or so) or sooner. Anytime in between.

Don't hold yer breath - just because id say that they want to release the game before next E3 doesn't mean that it's actually gonna happen - they might run into extra trouble killing bugs or there may be other issues that prolong the development.

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thats ok if it takes alittle more time. but i hope they at least come out with a 2 level or less demo to keep us busy. i really hope they get that demo out real soon. or a beta test or somthing im just realy dying to see it in action and be able to move around and check out all the sites and stuff like that

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Ultimate Demon said:

Isn't ID ready with the graphics engine? What more do they have to do befoure they release the game?

You can't be serious in that question!
They need to do all the MAPS (and the maps take a long time to do in this engine), they need to sort out all the BUGS, they need to do all the SCRIPTED EVENTS, they need to BALANCE the weapons and monsters.

And there might even be MORE than that that they'll have to do that I didn't think of.

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dsm said:

You can't be serious in that question!
They need to do all the MAPS (and the maps take a long time to do in this engine), they need to sort out all the BUGS, they need to do all the SCRIPTED EVENTS, they need to BALANCE the weapons and monsters.

And there might even be MORE than that that they'll have to do that I didn't think of.

Oh man :( That means that they wont be ready until Xmas 2003 :(

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