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i cant wait!!! I want this game some bad!!im insane


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Lord FlatHead said:

I bought it from a buddy of mine, for $100 and my old GF2MX.

That's a nice deal.

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Lord FlatHead said:

I bought it from a buddy of mine, for $100 and my old GF2MX.

What? A proper Ti GF 4? That is a very nice deal.

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the maps taek MUCH LESS TIME than any other 3d engine in history, ever. development should go FASTER in this respect

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Xian said:

the maps taek MUCH LESS TIME than any other 3d engine in history, ever. development should go FASTER in this respect

That just goes completely against what I've heard. Take into consideration that the mappers have to spend a LOT of time modelling every little detail in a room in Doom 3, which means that they'll have to spend much longer time working on each ROOM than before.
Just because the compile process is dead doesn't mean that the end result is faster map making.

I mean look at the fucking Doom 3 screenshots - all those pipes and nifty little things - it must take forever to do a single room.

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dsm said:

You can't be serious in that question!
They need to do all the MAPS (and the maps take a long time to do in this engine), they need to sort out all the BUGS, they need to do all the SCRIPTED EVENTS, they need to BALANCE the weapons and monsters.

And there might even be MORE than that that they'll have to do that I didn't think of.

They already did all the maps (basic layout and architecture). They need to put in detail now, afaik.

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Shaviro said:

They already did all the maps (basic layout and architecture). They need to put in detail now, afaik.

Then they didn't "do" the maps yet - a map is theoretically speaking not done until the mapper is happy with it, so in other words:
They are still working on the maps.

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dsm said:

Then they didn't "do" the maps yet - a map is theoretically speaking not done until the mapper is happy with it, so in other words:
They are still working on the maps.

Yeah, but it won't consume and endless amount of time.

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Hello sickdrummer, and welcome to Doom World. We hope you enjoy your products and or services recieved from our assocation. Keep all hands and feet within the bounds of sanity, and feel free to use our rants and raves facility for all non-Doom related posts.

Doom World wishes you a safe, productive, and pleasant experience while within the confines of it's bandwidth. Have a good day.

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I'm the Cynical Smartass here (or try to be neways)
I am not in control anymore. I never was. What is control? What is a rant? I like to rant. (Please feel free to ignore me now.) Ranting is fun. What else if fun? Pizza is fun. So is Demon soccer. Kick demons heads into their goal. Pull out your trusty shotgun when they score. BLAM BLAM BLAM. I am dumb.(in a good sense)

Welcome to DW. Have a nice day...

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Hello sickdrummer,and welcome to doomworld.I'm dark-tenshi,a regular forum poster.Listen to flathead and dsm's advice and you'll be safe.

I can't wait for DOOM3 either.I never got excited about upcoming game for a long time.Hope DOOM3 will please all DOOM fan.

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Shaviro said:

Yeah, but it won't consume and endless amount of time.

Uhh how so? It ain't gonna take less time if they throw in all the details later - all the nitpicky models still have to be done.

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anyone whos actually made big bsp maps know compilingtakes a lot out of work, because you have to KEEP DOING IT in order to see the changes, dooms is almost realtime

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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

/me pours c0ff33 for everyone in this thread


I don't drink coffee, but thanks anyway.
/Me buys MaCvILeWhOrE a beer.
A toast to the DW vets.

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