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GZDoom Builder No Highlight in Visual Mode

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I'm using the latest version build r2787 and in visual mode it won't highlight the surface my crosshair is sitting on like it should.  It still highlights if I actually click to select.  I have animated selection checked in preferences, is there something else I need to do or is this a bug?  It works fine in Doom Builder 2.

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3 minutes ago, Myst.Haruko said:

H is hotkey for highlights in gzdoom builder. Check it if it works. 


2 minutes ago, StormCatcher.77 said:

You may enable\disable surface highlighting by pressing "H". Maybe you press it accidentally? It's true for all versions. I use GZDB (Bugfix) R3002.

I feel like such a noob (I am but still) thanks, guys.

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20 hours ago, guitardz said:

..., is there something else I need to do ....


You don't have to do this, however, if you want to use the full potential of the editor

then I advise you to go to Help and press Keyboard Shortcuts Reference to

generate a printable list of all build-in commands and the keys they are bound to.

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That would actually be super useful.  Thanks.  I'm still obviously new to this editor, and the last editor I used was the Build editor that came on the old Duke3D disc way back in the mid 90s.  So, I'll take all the tips and tutorials I can get.  

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