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zekhmet project - calling bugtesters and FDA folks! (NINE maps done)

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thank you for that :) very cool

i feel like the area with the seven hundred former humans is kinda underdesigned and bright but that's my only real complaint, everything else looks striking

map seems like a real challenge to the top players! i've added this to the first post with the map 01 tune written in


ps i don't mind if people double up on the tunes as long as all of them are used at least once

we're in for teh long haul anyway haha it takes a special sort of person to send a map to a pack like this


starting my map now, trying to do something appealing with the textures and create a wonky puzzle map

just about arrived at a theme i really like, very earthy but still pleasantly silly




just can't resist repeatedly using the leaves prop over and over :)))

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a possible zekhmet mascot, a wandering dryad

400px and in the default doom palette

could be an element of teh credits screen or something

all in the spirit of replacing the metallic man-made stuff you seen in doom with a more natural look

moon worship optional


i drawed her by hand so we cant be sued by the UAC

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43 minutes ago, riderr3 said:



I like the yin yang symbol in the sky--it seems somewhat fitting for this mapset.

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19 hours ago, riderr3 said:

Here are the screenshots of my map. Need to add some items.



these look cool :3 anticipating yr map greatly

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Done! Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d3c0erfda80r042/elevelv.zip



"Elefunky velvet groove" by riderr3
For Zekhmet project

Advanced engine needed: Boom
Music: D_DOOM from zekmus1.wad
Other files required: zek1res.wad
Map slot: MAP05 but can be changed later
Single Player: Designed for
Cooperative: Yes
Deathmatch: Player starts only
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Build Time: 9 days
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder-bugfix, SLADE3, WadSpy
Tested With: PrBoom-Plus
Comment: Abstract and non-linear map with mostly low-tier monsters, except a few places.



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Perhaps we can use this sky?


Found it in Crimson  Wood. Yea, i'm getting tired of them Doom 2 sky1 and those Scypek2 skies don't look too fitting imo. A suggestion.

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I'm a fan of the Hexen skies and I think they might work better with the resources, but that one has some charm to it, too.

Suppose we'll have to leave it up to our good yakfak. 

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1 hour ago, riderr3 said:

Tested With: PrBoom-Plus


Cool map and all, but I don't understand how to play around the infinitely tall hanging corpses in the map? I had the same problem in "Prickled", but engine wasn't specified in that case, so I assume that I was supposed to have played in ZDoom instead of PrBoom+. Is the final wad supposed to be Boom-compatible or is it ZDoom only? I think the clipping of infinitely tall actors can only be done in ZDoom? Looking forward to the finished project though, really interesting levels and music so far.

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2 hours ago, wintertowns said:


Cool map and all, but I don't understand how to play around the infinitely tall hanging corpses in the map? I had the same problem in "Prickled", but engine wasn't specified in that case, so I assume that I was supposed to have played in ZDoom instead of PrBoom+. Is the final wad supposed to be Boom-compatible or is it ZDoom only? I think the clipping of infinitely tall actors can only be done in ZDoom? Looking forward to the finished project though, really interesting levels and music so far.


make sure yer opening zek1res.wad along with everything else

it changes the behaviour and look of a lot of those props

so what you think is blocking might be passable with the right resources!

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4 hours ago, riderr3 said:


this is neat as heck, I love the way the keys appear on the balance altar :) thank you for this cool level

also I could beat it which I'm grateful for

hey I think maps of all skill levels own but if every submission was crazy I wouldn't know which one to put first

this way I have a candidate for an easy intro map that players could learn the resources on before proceeding to punishing maps of various stripes :))))


i'll add this to the first post, thanks again

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1 hour ago, Pegleg said:

What about one of these:






this one is absolutely gorgeous
tempted to nab :3 thanks for finding them all but especially this

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2 hours ago, wintertowns said:


Cool map and all, but I don't understand how to play around the infinitely tall hanging corpses in the map? I had the same problem in "Prickled", but engine wasn't specified in that case, so I assume that I was supposed to have played in ZDoom instead of PrBoom+. Is the final wad supposed to be Boom-compatible or is it ZDoom only? I think the clipping of infinitely tall actors can only be done in ZDoom? Looking forward to the finished project though, really interesting levels and music so far.

You can launch wads with ZDL wad launcher, with appropriate priority.
Also there are new things which are not shown in GZDoom-Builder, and probably some people even don't know about them. They are in decorations category - different colored snails, gray stump, dead revenant, even spectre Pain Elemental.


21 minutes ago, yakfak said:


this one is absolutely gorgeous
tempted to nab :3 thanks for finding them all but especially this

I've seconded this sky too, because it's have good color scheme and taller by height (my map have a place where short sky can be repeated a little)

Edited by riderr3

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41 minutes ago, riderr3 said:

You can launch wads with ZDL wad launcher, with appropriate priority.
Also there are new things which are not shown in GZDoom-Builder, and probably some people even don't know about them. They are in decorations category - different colored snails, gray stump, dead revenant, even spectre Pain Elemental.

So, then how do you view the new things that aren't being shown?

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38 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

So, then how do you view the new things that aren't being shown?

"New" means they are just replaces some hanging corpses, but in-game it's the different things (changed with Dehacked). I found them accidentally when almost finished map while assigned some decorations.

Edited by riderr3

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2 minutes ago, riderr3 said:

"New" means they are just replaces some hanging corpses, but in-game it's the different things. I found them accidentally when almost finished map while assigned some decorations.

So what you mean is that within the editor, they look like what they were originally. But if you use them, when you play the game, you'll get the snails, stump, etc. Is that correct?

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10 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

So what you mean is that within the editor, they look like what they were originally. But if you use them, when you play the game, you'll get the snails, stump, etc. Is that correct?

Exactly. Because GZDoom-Builder-BugFix currently does not properly shown all things which changed by dehacked. I've asked about this feature without luck. Only ZDoom-related stuff shown properly.

Edited by riderr3

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1 hour ago, yakfak said:

this way I have a candidate for an easy intro map that players could learn the resources on before proceeding to punishing maps of various stripes :))))


This is a very good idea since I'm not sure folks will understand that like, radsuits have been changed into bugs and stuff.


My puzzle map is nearing its final stages—I just need to add like 50 lines of dialogue, and then see if I want to change the lighting. Also @xdarkmasterx, is there any way you could pick another midi for your map? My puzzle map uses the same one too

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2 minutes ago, riderr3 said:

Exactly. Because GZDoom-Builder-BugFix currently does not properly shown all things which changed by dehacked. I've asked about this feature without luck. Only ZDoom-related stuff shown properly.


Do you have a listing of which objects were changed by dehacked and what they were changed into, in case people have been missing some of these new items?

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27 minutes ago, dobu gabu maru said:


This is a very good idea since I'm not sure folks will understand that like, radsuits have been changed into bugs and stuff.


I've trapped some of those bugs in cages to prevent early gathering.

P.S. Hope that you people will not fight for music and we can use most of the music tracks.

Edited by riderr3

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16 minutes ago, dobu gabu maru said:


This is a very good idea since I'm not sure folks will understand that like, radsuits have been changed into bugs and stuff.


My puzzle map is nearing its final stages—I just need to add like 50 lines of dialogue, and then see if I want to change the lighting. Also @xdarkmasterx, is there any way you could pick another midi for your map? My puzzle map uses the same one too

sure i dont care what music my map uses but i'd prefer map05 if that one isn't taken as well

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1 minute ago, xdarkmasterx said:

sure i dont care what music my map uses but i'd prefer map05 if that one isn't taken as well


It's not taken yet it's just that my unfinished map uses that midi & I'm really taken with it too, and I feel as though it'd be better for the set not to have repeat tunes.

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9 minutes ago, xdarkmasterx said:

sure i dont care what music my map uses but i'd prefer map05 if that one isn't taken as well

I will not mind if the music of my map will changed. D_SHAWN and D_DEAD is good too. At the discretion of project starter.

Edited by riderr3

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10 hours ago, Pegleg said:


Do you have a listing of which objects were changed by dehacked and what they were changed into, in case people have been missing some of these new items?


yep, there's a txt file bundled with the resource wad in the first post!

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happy june everybody


i've been reiterating that the music included can be used more than once, just as long as at least one map uses each tune!

but i can sort this out easily enough by setting rider's level to use track seven and dark master's to use track five :3 lemme know if that sucks

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this is incredible hee it's making me giggle

i didn't think to start an FDA or anything which is a good thing cos what I mostly did was fall off the island


very happy that ernie the urn gets to be such a charming NPC


actually I'm amazed by the scripting... is this robust? can you break it by pressing some of the buttons twice in a row really quickly?

thanks for this amazing piece of art

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