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zekhmet project - calling bugtesters and FDA folks! (NINE maps done)

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@yakfakOk tell me what format should I start I will just copy the map n paste it on the format I I should have used. (Also it isn't wasn't supposed to be udmf as well right).

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49 minutes ago, Finnthemapmaker said:

@yakfakOk tell me what format should I start I will just copy the map n paste it on the format I I should have used. (Also it isn't wasn't supposed to be udmf as well right).


ok :3 try starting a gzdoom map under Boom: Doom 2 and pasting your map into that. thanks for this! Boom is slightly less advanced than UDMF so some of the linedef effects might not work but there's usually work arounds!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/24/2019 at 12:18 PM, Finnthemapmaker said:

hey, this is cool as heck! ginormous weird town map feel, i'm giggling at the stack of trays in the self-service kitchen

there's some missing textures - doortraks, certain flats, the crushers; if that's on purpose then that rules, just making sure you're aware. i can definitely use this in zekhmet, thanks! do you have a name for the map? i thought i might call it New Zekh City unless you've already thought of a title

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that''s no problem, I'll use your title. thanks again for the cool map!

we're at the point where we need bugtesters! calling all cars

i'll start updating the first post straight away <3

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  • 3 months later...


i kinda need help running this because I am a terminally bad organizer and my interest in doom waxes and wanes with teh moons! thread hasn't been bumped for an entire quarter of a year but I believe in everyone's maps and don't wanna see 'em sink. who's out there who loves strange levels and knows how to operate a clipboard??

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  • 3 months later...
12 hours ago, NoisyVelvet said:

download link broke?


might as well put it here :3 thanks for bumping and waking my brain up



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Since the thread has been bumped, I compiled all the maps into a single file. I also got permission from obake to change his midi (so as to not have any repeats), so every map is linked to its respective midi. MAP01 is the only open slot, but I've been working on a map for it over the past few months, and hope to ramp that up over the next few months.


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Here's some choppy FDA data that probably isn't worth watching (Floppy Death Accomplishments)

uses zekhmet_Alpha1.wad: noisy_zekhmet_Alpha1_fda.zip


I skipped FinnTheMapmaker's map because it had broken textures in prboom

I gave darkmaster's map another go-through with saves, but the demo (complevel -1) broke on my half way through.  It was one of the few maps I was actually able to finish though.

Dobu's puzzle map was cool but tough-n-exhausting, especially in the state of mind I was in while playing it.  Very cool map tho.

Benjo's maps... I had no idea what to do on either one, lol.


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1 hour ago, NoisyVelvet said:

Dobu's puzzle map was cool but tough-n-exhausting, especially in the state of mind I was in while playing it.  Very cool map tho.


I think that map is probably the "hardest" map I've ever made, and I don't expect more than a handful of people to ever beat it. If yakfak plans on organizing the maps in some kind of order, I wouldn't mind Perplexed! being the last or bonus map.

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5 minutes ago, dobu gabu maru said:

I think that map is probably the "hardest" map I've ever made, and I don't expect more than a handful of people to ever beat it. If yakfak plans on organizing the maps in some kind of order, I wouldn't mind Perplexed! being the last or bonus map.

The hardest part for me at the beginning was finding the Green Key; I kinda just stumbled onto it after a lot of time, and felt dumb.  That's where the real options seemed to start opening up.  But that's also when I was a bit too drained-n-drunk to continue. 

Really fun to explore, but missing any of the dozens of subtle paths, nooks, and offshoots can spell doom for the player.  Cool ass map tho.

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12 minutes ago, NoisyVelvet said:


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Really fun to explore, but missing any of the dozens of subtle paths, nooks, and offshoots can spell doom for the player.  Cool ass map tho.




You can also get permanently stuck in a number of ways, and I don't telegraph to the player where to go at all. It's a map I wanted the player to unravel backwards through an hour(s) of trial and error—I think it's fun to look at puzzles and go "to get here I need to do this, to do this I need to do that, etc". Lower difficulties have Hint Island to help the player out, but I fear it's kind illegible gobbledygook until you get my terminology. Thanks for the kind words, it was a lot of fun to make. 

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i adore Perplexed and wanna place it in a slot in the wad where it gets a text introduction like, ok, you've killed all the monsters, here is the final level which has an entirely different plan of attack, don't be afraid to reset, don't be afraid to jump off ledges, etc etc

if we can get some motivation going to finish this thing I'll definitely look closely at the map order

noisyvelvet, thanks for the demos! RE Benjo's stuff, the one with the lost souls and the staircase is an endurance map which doesn't seem to require movement or aiming skill so much as endless patience :3 the other is a cuter semi-puzzle where you just need to go stand on everything and everything? i need to play all this stuff again!


i'll look at finn's map too, I think it suffered from some sort of gzdoom to prboom damage and it might need fixing in a map editor

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Hi, i will do some playthroughs for you =). Might take me a few days to get through All the maps. I'll post links to videos as I progress through them.

Edited by Steve88

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I'm having difficulty downloading the resource pack :/
It tried the first map on the list to test it and everything looks like a bizzare mess of vanilla textures :?
so i am assuming i need the resource pack to have display normally. When i click the link it just takes me to a random site with nothing to download.

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23 hours ago, Steve88 said:

I'm having difficulty downloading the resource pack :/
It tried the first map on the list to test it and everything looks like a bizzare mess of vanilla textures :?
so i am assuming i need the resource pack to have display normally. When i click the link it just takes me to a random site with nothing to download.



the resources


the maps


thanks for teh interest! i'll edit the first post so it's less confusing

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@yakfak@dobu gabu maru

Is there a listing of current mapper/slot/map name yet? I looked through the post a bit to see if i could find it but didn't see it, i am pretty blind though....
Also, i loaded map02 up with the alpha version and the resources+alpha version seem to be a lot of missing textures, i checked map03 and it seemed to be fine.


Edited by Steve88

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On 4/24/2020 at 9:06 PM, Steve88 said:

@yakfak@dobu gabu maru

Is there a listing of current mapper/slot/map name yet? I looked through the post a bit to see if i could find it but didn't see it, i am pretty blind though....


First page has the mappers and their maps, no text file for the project yet. And MAP02 is the only one that has errors. I suspect it was created for another project and then dumped here, as it's quite garish in the zehkmet scheme and a bit disorganized.

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Ok Did a UV play test of Dabu's map Prickled! - I acutally played through this twice... the first play throught didn't get recorded correctly.




What am unsettling place to be, the layout and texture choices on this map are grotesque and unnerving, it feels like nails on a chalkboard in wad format.

I mean that in the best possible way because I love how strange and trippy this level is!

Navigating this perplexing level was difficult not only due to the surreal and irregular nature of the design, but also due to the need frugally use every morsel of ammunition available, this is especially true at the start. The ammo you need is there, but there is almost no extra. The player has to carefully consider what weapon they are using and be sure it is the right weapon the for the encounter. The tight corridors make rocket use deadly in many cases, however the shells/bullet/cell ammo are in short supply forcing the player to use rockets whenever it is reasonable. The traps in this map are just as unsettling the rest of it, great use of surprise in the orange/yellow elevator trap, and the seeming endless imp onslaught. That one was really unexpected after going through that room once already.


The music was very fitting as well for this level, it was also little off in all the right ways.


Saving often was critical for me to complete this level, it would have been impossible for me otherwise.


I did not see any major errors, other that the one zombie man that gets stuck on a wall. no missing or misaligned textures from what i can see, but with such strange textures i am not sure i would have even noticed.



Great map Dobu!
Play-Through below


Edited by Steve88

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Did another UV play through of Bejogomi's map "the world behind your chair"

It opens with a far off shot of what looks like some giant space flower. I found myself immediately drawn to it like a bee searching for sweet sweet nectar.

The level was difficult mostly in the way that its small platforms did not offer much in the way of movement. Ammo is not a problem assuming you find the weapons before making the climb to the exit.


The music was odd, but oddly calming. In a way it helped me make it through all frustrating falls, i had to quick save a lot on this one else i would lose my sanity from falling so often.


Good Stuff!


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On 4/27/2020 at 6:52 PM, Steve88 said:

Did another UV play through of Bejogomi's map "the world behind your chair"

It opens with a far off shot of what looks like some giant space flower. I found myself immediately drawn to it like a bee searching for sweet sweet nectar.

The level was difficult mostly in the way that its small platforms did not offer much in the way of movement. Ammo is not a problem assuming you find the weapons before making the climb to the exit.


The music was odd, but oddly calming. In a way it helped me make it through all frustrating falls, i had to quick save a lot on this one else i would lose my sanity from falling so often.


Good Stuff!

Thanks for the video, was fun to watch! I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the falling :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

thank you for the playthrough videos steve!!

bumping cos dobu did some good work on organizing a new pack, wanna start thinking about keeping this active every day

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@yakfak I still have a bunch more to do, the the most recent one I'm recording (darkmaster's Map) so hard that i had to stop midway through because i had been going at it for almost at hour. Also i know you've made a lot of midis, not just for this mapset, do you have a library or anywhere they can all be found? I would like to listen to some of them and maybe use some in my levels but they require some effort to locate :S


Edited by Steve88

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