Title: 2048 Guns + Brightmaps
Filename: combos/2048guns.zip
Size: 6.43 MB
Date: 11/01/20
Author: ChopBlock223
Description: Intended as an optional addon to 2048 Units of /vr/, mostly cosmetic weapon alterations. Biggest gameplay changes is that weapons swap faster now, Pistol shoots faster but must reload and Plasma Rifle can skip its recoil frames by staying in short bursts.

2048 Guns, By ChopBlock223 Intended as an optional addon to VR2048, mostly cosmetic alterations. Biggest gameplay changes is that weapons swap faster now, Pistol shoots faster but must reload and Plasma Rifle can skip its recoil frames by staying in short bursts.

2048GUNS_MP.wad is deisgned for multiplayer use; Try it out with friends on different wads!
Credits: Hackfraud and Brxyz for doing the work on converting this to the DeHacked version. /vr/ for input. More credits for assets used located in 2048GUNS.txt.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few months.
Editor(s) used: Slade

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