Title: The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bandit Experience: Retro Edition 1.4
Filename: combos/cheeki.zip
Size: 2.62 MB
Date: 07/03/14
Author: Chaosvolt
Description: Cheeki breeki, we bandit now, and 2d to boot! Featuring gratuitous Russian swearing, drunken hijinks, and godawful polka that won't ever stop! For added fun, remember to bind your "altfire" and "use inventory item" keys!
Credits: GSC for the eponymous S.T.A.L.K.E.R games, Spy for the infinitely amusing GMod addons that inspired this, and you for putting up with this nonsense.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Roughly 3 days originally, not counting updates
Editor(s) used: GmadExtractor, GIMP, ye olde Notepad
Bugs: Chex Quest 1 and 3: No unique status bar for Chex Quest yet, player coloration changes slime instead of uniform. Chex Quest 3: Level music refuses to submit to the polka.
Rating: (9 votes)

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Дав ;ай сук ;а муд ;ак! бес ;т шад ;!x
4 stars because vodka heals youx
kinda funny. and yeah, no levels included. which it said quite clearly already. and altfires seems to just throw out taunts, which seems to be the point.x
Played with ZDoom: found new music, but binding altfire didn't have any effect. Does not contain a level.x
...my brain!x

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