Title: Duke Nukem's pistol for Doom
Filename: combos/dukepist.zip
Size: 8.4 KB
Date: 08/05/99
Author: Dwayne Ings aka Overkill777
Description: Replaces the pistol with Duke's pistol from Duke Nukem 3D. There's also a small DeHackEd patch that comes with this that you don't need, but I suggest using. You probably want to use a Doom port with a good crosshair, like Smack My Marine Up or ZDoom.
Credits: 3D Realms for Duke Nukem 3D Olivier Montanuy for WinTex Leonardo Loureiro for LView Pro Greg Lewis for DeHackEd id Software for Doom and Doom II
Base: The pistol from Duke Nukem 3D
Build time: Aprox. 1/2 hour
Editor(s) used: WinTex 4.3, LView Pro 2.1, Paintbrush, DeHackEd 3.0
Bugs: None
Rating: (5 votes)

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This is the pistol from Duke Nukem 3D. Like a lot of other weapons mods, this one fails the most important test - it doesn't point towards the middle of the screen, it points up and to the right, which makes it extremely hard to aim if you aren't using the crosshair.x
I agree with the previous review. It's just fine in Duke Nukem 3D, but Doom is a different game with a different feel.x
it does look stupid in doom, but in the original duke nukem source port, it doesn't look so badx
it looks liek a fricking fisher price toyx

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