Title: The Freeze Thrower Mark 2
Filename: combos/icemk2.zip
Size: 29.14 KB
Date: 11/10/14
Author: Omegalore
Description: May be a month early but, the holidays is around the corner. I'd thought I make a Ice Weapon.

Sorry SomeMap didn't go very well. I'll try to do better and keep trying. This is also take 2 due to .Bak file in Zip, Oops. Sorry about that ;^^

Sprite ripped from Xmas Nightmare.
Credits: id Software for DOOM and The Byte Brothers For Sprite
Base: New from scratch
Build time: idk, maybe 5 mins?
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3
Bugs: None
Rating: (10 votes)

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...Yeah. I kinda figured that KEYCONF was outdated. Didn't know you could do that in DECORATE ;^^ Well bugger.x
Idk, I kinda like itx
More poop from Omegalore. Ha ha, try saying in your video "ZOMG SUPERLUIGIETH IS AT IT AGAIN SAYTHING THJAT HE THINKS MY NEW THINGH IS POOP" It's Unoriginal.x
Using setslot, which has been deprecated for good reason since February 2009, is just embarrassing.x
at least its better than nothing try making MegaWAD city-wads if you want more fame.x
What's the point? There are a lot of ice weapons already and this one is no different from others. Graphics are kinda meh (that "kPa" text is just cheesy) and moreover weapon sprite itself isn't original. I don't get it.x

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