Title: Shadow Androids
Filename: combos/sandroid.zip
Size: 60.51 KB
Date: 02/12/07
Author: Lupinx-ressurected
Description: This was something left over from the numerous sprite comics I make I decided to replace the SS-Nazis with them. I didn't think there were enough Sonic themed wads, so I decided to whip this one up real quick. They are the Dr. Eggman's Shadow Androids! If any of you recognize them, they are the copies of Shadow the Hedgehog created by Eggman for his own good, in some of the more crappier Sonic Games (but they were just to cool of an enemy to leave out). They are just as annoying as they are in the game fast, hard to hit, and a pain, but instead of lock-on mistles, they have standard machine guns. Heh, they are more annoying then the Nazis they replaced.
Credits: Graphics:
Sega's Sonic Battle for the sprites
iD Software's Doom for the explosions and muzzle flash
The creator of the gun sprites used in the firing frames. Sorry but I don't remember where these came from.
Rogue software's Strife for the sight sound
iD Software's Doom for the death sound
Special Thanks:
To the late development of my mental faculties for thinking that releasing stuff like this was a good idea
Base: See additional credits section
Build time: This morning.
Editor(s) used: Wintex 5.0, WhackEd
Bugs: No
Rating: (6 votes)

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Yay. Shadow is my favorite sonic character (ironically) 5 stars.x
Fun. I like Sonic. -GGx
crikey, an unpopular sprite replacement for the most unpopular Doom 2 enemy...shite.x
Its a sonic themed wad. Meh.x

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