Title: Spook sounds and music wad version 1.1
Filename: combos/spook.zip
Size: 1.14 MB
Date: 11/22/95
Author: Tom Turner
Description: This wad replaces the music on every level of the original
Credits: Andrew Walker, for playtesting, whoever created
Base: A lot of sounds and music downloaded off of AOL, plus a few sounds
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DMMusic, DMAud, and WaveStudio from SB16 in Windows.
Bugs: none that I know of - the game MIGHT crash if you use it with
Rating: (4 votes)

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aaawwwwwwwwweeeeeeff fffuuullllllllllll!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by justin bieberx
I remember downloading this way back in the day. It may not be epic or stunning, but it's an amusing sound/music replacement nonetheless.x
Not great. In common with most sound replacements from this period, the sounds are too long, and so the game sounds like someone running his hands up and down a sampling keyboard, or some kind of early-80s avant garde electronic computer opera. Terrible choice of samples (incomprehensible dialogue, screams, muffled explosions). Music sounds like tuneless amateur rubbish you hear at Myspace or Mp3.com.x
I LUV THEIES WAD ITS TEH BESATsT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 13`~#>`2~!Wx

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