Title: Vanilla Brutal Doom (VBrutal)
Filename: combos/vbrutal.zip
Size: 217.23 KB
Date: 07/17/20
Author: TDRR. Uploaded with permission by Rick ''Red'' Commandeur.
Description: Weapons from Brutal Doom v21 with smooth animations and similar timing, this version has no reload. 100% compatible with Vanilla Doom and any sourceport that supports deh files. NOT DEMO-COMPATIBLE!

Based off vsmooth.wad by Simon Howard (fraggle).

NOTE: The major differences between VBrutal and Brutal Doom DeHackEd are simply that VBrutal is more of a weapon reskin than anything else, and BD-DEH focuses on making it a bit closer to real Brutal Doom (reloading, and other minor changes).
Credits: Marcos Abenante (SGT_Mark_IV) (For Brutal Doom), Simon Howard (Fraggle) (for vsmooth.wad), Dennis ''Exl'' Meuwissen (for Whacked), Greg Lewis (for DeHackEd) Rick ''Redneckerz/Red'' Commandeur (Uploader), www.DoomWorld.com for hosting
Base: d off vsmooth.wad by Simon Howard (fraggle).

NOTE: The major differences between VBrutal and Brutal Doom DeHackEd are simply that VBrutal is more of a weapon reskin than anything else, and BD-DEH focuses on making it a bit closer to real Brutal Doom (reloading, and other minor changes).
Build time: Around 4 hours
Editor(s) used: Whacked4

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