Title: VRandomizer (Vanilla Randomizer)
Filename: combos/vrandom.zip
Size: 4.37 KB
Date: 07/17/20
Author: TDRR. Uploaded with permission by Rick ''Red'' Commandeur.
Description: A randomizer mod for Vanilla Doom. Randomizes most pickups in the game. Weapons have a new weapon crate sprite, ammo has a ammo case sprite, health/armor bonuses got a stimpack sprite, and powerups have the Berserk sprite. The .wad file just provides these graphics, but if you don't want to use it pickups will still be randomized as normal, but the randomization looks a bit... Painful in the eyes without the .wad file. random.deh is for Doom 2 and Final Doom, while randomD1.deh is for Doom 1, removing the SSG. I tried to make it appear in Doom 1 but unfortunately i just got crashes even if i included the SSG graphics :(

NOTE: Vanilla Randomizer should be compatible with the vast majority of .deh mods as long as it's loaded last.
Credits: Dennis ''Exl'' Meuwissen (for Whacked4), Greg Lewis (for DeHackEd) Rick ''Redneckerz/Red'' Commandeur (Uploader), www.DoomWorld.com for hosting
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 15 minutes
Editor(s) used: Whacked4

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