Title: Zharkov Goes to the Store
Filename: combos/zharky_x.zip
Size: 4.46 MB
Date: 01/12/08
Author: Xaser, "The Conqueror"
Description: Spawned from the tepid waters of a stagnant project of mine. This weaponset follows the chronicles of General Zharkov into the line between reality and fiction. Go to the Store to discover weapons such as missile walls, rice guns, ricochet rifles, and projectile rainers. Go to the Store to discover a wealth of insanity, one step after the other a fight for survival from oneself. Go to the Store, Zharkov. Destiny.
Credits: Cheapalert - ChiselFest 2004 is awesome and base. MasterOFDeath is random and cool bias. Kate wins a trophy for winning. Pink is her; highest stratosphere. God - Cannot Not Mention Christ in Christmas Bjorn Lynne - music speak soul Zeroprophet; clone? preposterous.. Nintendrone as ghost guest Zharkov is sadly a victim Randy created ZDoom iD fathered Doom Howard Dean Screams
Base: Many graphics from Cheapalert's ChiselFest 2004. I coded things.
Build time: Off and on for arbitrary amounts.
Editor(s) used: XWE, Paint Shop Pro 7, Dual pistols
Bugs: Things are wacky, bugs they be not.
Rating: (95 votes)

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