Title: DOGTAG: Team play for Doom ][
Filename: deathmatch/deathtag/dogtag3.zip
Size: 387.42 KB
Date: 03/30/96
Author: MrBlonde
Description: Team game that works within Doom ]['s current architecture. Deathtag requires that a team score 5 points to win (score is tallied WITHIN the map).
Credits: Talon and Aikman for the Dethtag Concept. Playtesters: CtKill, Bane, Aztec, MrOrange and Mindwave. Couldn't have found all the bugs without you.
Build time: Light Years
Editor(s) used: DCK, DEU for Doom ][, BSP
Bugs: None
Rating: (5 votes)

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One of the greatest WADs ever. Played the hell out of this on DWANGO. - Funny3x
Legendary. Still being played today. -EarthQuakex
This is by far the best concept for deathmatch Doom that has ever existed. I regard this wad as the true pre-Quake CTF levelpack. Simply outstanding. -deathz0rx

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