Title: Judas (DOOM ][ Deathmatch)
Filename: deathmatch/deathtag/judas22.zip
Size: 105.46 KB
Date: 11/17/95
Author: brian vannatta (Stragenl on IRC)
Description: Judas22.wad is a fast-paced DEATHTAG level designed for play using ORIGINAL (v1.0) Deathmatch Rules.
Credits: Brandon Weldon (weldon@helios.phy.ohiou.edu) - Brandon put a lot of GREAT ideas into this pwad - I'd almost have to say he's kinda cool. ;) Gideon (grecni@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu) Steve Grecni - Steve put some ideas and a LOT of play- testing into this level! Much thanks to him - be sure to check out his GIDEON*.WAD series for DOOM ][ Deathmatch.

Aikman (aikman@onramp.net) & Talon (CEWessel@aol.com) - The two guys who developed the original DeathTag concept (upon which this pwad is based). Cool concept - much thanks! Check out U_DTAG.WAD for more details on the original DeathTag style of deathmatch. Deth (deth@webcom.com) - The creator & maintainer of the MOST excellent Scott's DOOM Pages - http://www.webcom.com/~deth. Scott and his group put much playtesting and some fine ideas into this pwad. Thanks to him not only for the playtesting, but also for his DOOM Pages! Don't miss COMPDETH.WAD, a concatenation of five of his DOOM ][ Deathmatch pwads. Dweller in the Cellar (dweller@cis.cisnet.com) - Much thanks to The Dweller and his group for playtesting and feedback. Be sure to check out his DWELLER*.WAD Series for DOOM ][ Deathmatch - DWELLR14.WAD and DWELLR15.WAD are in the making! Evil Genius (l-sieben@memphis.edu) - The DEUTEX God! Much thanks to him for taking the time to explain many of the little details of DEUTEX. Without the help of Evil Genius, the SKY2 flat in Judas22 would not have been possible. Be sure to check out his pwads for DOOM ][ Deathmatch, including RADIUS1.WAD and THE_EGG.WAD. Krusty (mmm15@cornell.edu) Mike Marcotte - Thanks to Mike and his group (Chris Snyder, Tim McSherry, and Andy) for playtesting, feedback, and some GREAT LMPs to illustrate his critique. Rajun Cajun (cajun@lava.net) - Thanks for playtesting! Visit Rajun Cajun's Web Page in Hawaii - (http://www.lava.net/~cajun) - and check out his DOOM ][ Deathmatch pwads! id Software - The MASTERS...
Base: d). Cool concept - much thanks! Check out U_DTAG.WAD for more details on the original DeathTag style of deathmatch. Deth (deth@webcom.com) - The creator & maintainer of the MOST excellent Scott's DOOM Pages - http://www.webcom.com/~deth. Scott and his group put much playtesting and some fine ideas into this pwad. Thanks to him not only for the playtesting, but also for his DOOM Pages! Don't miss COMPDETH.WAD, a concatenation of five of his DOOM ][ Deathmatch pwads. Dweller in the Cellar (dweller@cis.cisnet.com) - Much thanks to The Dweller and his group for playtesting and feedback. Be sure to check out his DWELLER*.WAD Series for DOOM ][ Deathmatch - DWELLR14.WAD and DWELLR15.WAD are in the making! Evil Genius (l-sieben@memphis.edu) - The DEUTEX God! Much thanks to him for taking the time to explain many of the little details of DEUTEX. Without the help of Evil Genius, the SKY2 flat in Judas22 would not have been possible. Be sure to check out his pwads for DOOM ][ Deathmatch, including RADIUS1.WAD and THE_EGG.WAD. Krusty (mmm15@cornell.edu) Mike Marcotte - Thanks to Mike and his group (Chris Snyder, Tim McSherry, and Andy) for playtesting, feedback, and some GREAT LMPs to illustrate his critique. Rajun Cajun (cajun@lava.net) - Thanks for playtesting! Visit Rajun Cajun's Web Page in Hawaii - (http://www.lava.net/~cajun) - and check out his DOOM ][ Deathmatch pwads! id Software - The MASTERS...
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH v2.666, WARM v1.4, DEUTEX v3.6
Bugs: please report any to vannatta@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu

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