Title: UPLoad TEMPLate
Filename: docs/editing/upltempl.zip
Size: 1.84 KB
Date: 10/10/01
Author: Ty Halderman
Description: This file upload template is intended to be a basis for any files uploaded to the ARCHIVES.GAMERS.ORG /pub/idgames/ archives. Take the file, fill in the appropriate parts, and upload it along with your zipped file. This file should be sent separately and also be included in the zip file.

Thanks to original authors of a variety of wad template files for the basic format and ideas. This template was created to better help the archive administrator(s) quickly determine what they need to know to do their job, while also attempting to make the information in the file a bit more specific.
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Quite frankly this is a masterpiece. It's practical, enigmatic, bewitching, alienating, and it takes almost no time to read.x
"(title of your masterpiece)" ROFL. Sure, this file is a necessity for everyone uploding stuff. However, it looks quite stupit listed under that title here. ;)x

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