Title: Aquatex v3
Filename: graphics/aquatex3.zip
Size: 217.36 KB
Date: 09/15/15
Author: JMickle66666666
Description: Lots of brown and gray textures to really liven up your wad! 100% build from scratch by yours truly. Use for whatever. Let me know if you do something cool.
Credits: Esselfortium for crits/help.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Gimp 2.0, Slade 3
Bugs: these textures are bad
Rating: (4 votes)

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I like the brown concrete textures and support3 replacements in both vertical and horizontal way. But it could be better if there are more various textures, such as bricks, machines or computer screens like COMPSTA, colored AQLITEs, etc. Plus, some horizontal AQPIPE textures are discontinuous because of dark stain. 7/10x
walter confalonieri
good textures imox

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