Title: Cacodemon Super Growth Hormone
Filename: graphics/bigcacos.zip
Size: 387.51 KB
Date: 10/25/94
Author: Jim Hendrickson
Description: This patch for DOOM registered version 1.666 replaces the cacodemon with a Super Cacodemon: TWICE the size of the original! To keep them proportional, they have eight times the mass and therefore are eight times more difficult to kill than the original cacodemons. Their fireballs can do up to four times the damage.
Credits: Ajimon Mathai (for help with ImProcess and PicLab), and iD software, for the best shoot-'em up game on Earth!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: dmgraph, dmaud, dehacked, ImProcess, LView 1.8, PicLab 1.91, DOOM v1.666
Rating: (3 votes)

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Sounds interesting, but I have no intention of borking my DOOM.WAD just to test it. If someone makes a v1.9 friendly all-in-one single-WAD version with no stupid sprite or sound merging required, then that will be welcome.x
its ok. too big for my tastes. 3 out of 5x
Good, but I can't blow down that fu--ing monsters and they are so big.x

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