Title: Blank-TX: Useful placeholders for map development
Filename: graphics/blank-tx.zip
Size: 213.56 KB
Date: 02/25/15
Author: scifista42
Description: Doom-styled placeholder textures for map development.

Make your mapping process efficient! Don't bother with texturing, coloring and alignment of details while making architecture. Design a good architecture first, then focus on texturing.

These textures are all grey, and they come in variously sized, tiling or non-tiling variants. I've tried to keep their number as low as possible, but I think they're versatile enough, anyway.
Credits: idSoftware for Doom, SirJuddington for SLADE3
Base: Modified
Build time: One evening
Editor(s) used: SLADE3, Gimp 2
Bugs: Liquids don't animate; they're not supposed to, they're just map development placeholders.
Rating: (8 votes)

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Really cool! Even includes versions for Strife, Hexen, and Heretic!x
This is awesome!x
This is actually really useful, thanks for this.x

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