Title: High Resolution Textures w/o the High Resolution
Filename: graphics/hrtwthr.zip
Size: 1.98 MB
Date: 06/05/09
Author: Jon Vail
Description: This is an experiment to see if the high resolution textures actually make better textures than the originals. I took all the textures from the JDTP, resized them to their original sizes and put them in this wad file. Some textures came out looking much better than others. BROWN96 for example looks great, while textures like BRNGRN got its ass kicked by the doom pallete, making it more gray than green. Nonetheless it gives doom a more unique look.
Credits: Kurikai for maintaining the JDTP, all the original authors of the textures for the JDTP, whose names are not listed in the package.
Base: Modified
Build time: 3-4 hours.
Editor(s) used: XWE.exe, Irfanview
Bugs: Some textures are not replaced because there are not high resolution versions of them in the JDTP yet.
Rating: (21 votes)

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