Title: Realistic Texture Pack
Filename: graphics/rtp.zip
Size: 3.07 MB
Date: 12/27/06
Author: RottKing
Description: A pack of realistic textures converted for use in Doom.
Credits: A big thanks to www.turbosquid.com, without them this pack wouldn't have been started.(and to GetWAD, for screwing up and searching random sites, one of which happened to catch my eye.(Turbo Squid)) Also a big thanks to the following free texture sites: http://www.texarch.eu, http://textures.z7server.com, http://www.texturebin.com, and http://mayang.com/textures/. Special thanks to Kaiser, AgentSpork, Deathz0r and Tormentor667 for taking the time to give me feedback.
Base: Various photo textures.
Build time: A little over a month.
Editor(s) used: Paintshop Pro 9, XWE.
Bugs: Bees, moths, wasps...
Rating: (19 votes)

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