Title: Tranmap-FX: TRANMAP effect examples
Filename: graphics/tranmap-fx.zip
Size: 1.13 MB
Date: 05/18/21
Author: Esselfortium. Uploaded with permission by Rick ''Red'' Commandeur.
Description: What follows is the explanation as given at this DoomWorld thread: https://www.doomworld.com/vb/thread/44165.

''I discovered tonight that Boom's TRANMAP lumps (precalculated translucency tables) are effectively 256x256 flats, meaning they can be edited in Photoshop, Paint.NET, or any other decent image editor that supports layers. This means that they can be manually created and used for all sorts of cool things that basic translucency can't do. With it I've created Boom-compatible additive blending, grayscaling effects, color inversion, hue-shifting, and all sorts of other useful things.

They work perfectly in PrBoom and Eternity, but ZDoom completely ignores the TRANMAP lumps, totally breaking the effects.''
Credits: Esselfortium (For permission, additional details, ''Esselmagik''), Rick ''Red'' Commandeur (Uploader), www.DoomWorld.com for hosting
Base: TRANS100.bmp
Build time: I imagine a few days.
Editor(s) used: Photoshop

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