Title: UAC Ultra Textures (v1.1)
Filename: graphics/ultratex.zip
Size: 459.42 KB
Date: 03/28/10
Author: 40oz
Description: The texture set to go with my Doom 2 episode entitled UAC Ultra (uacultra.wad)

v1.1 works with Eternity. Thanks esselfortium!
Credits: GRSites, SlayeR, Super Jamie
Base: New from scratch and some Modified
Build time: A few months
Editor(s) used: MS Paint, Paint.NET, GIMP, Irfanview
Rating: (13 votes)

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This is a great texture set which gives a very nice dark mood. The second and fourth posters are obviously idiots or trolls.x
Too dark, too techy, too non-Doom`ish. 3*x
I love these dark textures, I'm building an map with these. They seem to go well with Quake(2)textures - DDx
Lots of nice re-coloured black textures.x
A nice set overall. There's some subpar palettization that could have been avoided, and some textures with too-obvious repeating elements or bevels that look MSPainty, but overall it's a quite nice set of textures that set a unique, dark theme.x

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