Title: Doom utilities source
Filename: historic/dmutils.zip
Size: 144.05 KB
Date: 11/26/11
Author: Id Software uploaded by Simon Howard
Description: This is the source code to various utilities written by Id Software and used during the development of Doom. I found this file available for download on AtomicGamer.com, and from the timestamps in the zip it seems it was probably released in March 1998, several months after the Doom source code release.
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Rating: (19 votes)

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10/10 would steal againx
Yummie! Interesting stuff 5/5 - Optimusx
Who the hell Maes is? Oh, well... 5 stars anywayx
^^ Quite the opposite. It allowed reconstructing the HiColor mode and will allow ports to auto-generate palettes and colormaps with the original accuracy. Plus it contains information about compressed lumps and the such, which is priceless for console ports. I just wish some people knew their shit before bullshit-talkin'. 5/5 from me -Maes.x
It is not pointless and it is curious piece of history. 5/5x

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