Title: #1Kill
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/1kill.zip
Size: 374.53 KB
Date: 09/26/97
Author: Angelo Jefferson
Description: A whole episode of new levels that are kind of easy to figure out but hard to exit because you must do allot of killing first. Perfectly fair with plenty of ammo. Built with quality in mind Challenging and also looks good. Took hundreads of hours too build and most of that time was spent on testing this wad and making this as close to ID standards as possible. I've have plenty of experience playing the ultimate doom and doom2 for two and a half years so I know that its a good quality wad.
Base: new levels from scratch
Build time: 300 hours aprox
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: No known bugs. Definitely no major problems must be used with doom 1.9 (the ultimate doom) A 486 or higher is recomended because it may slow down in some big and complex areas
Rating: (19 votes)

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