Title: Extra
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/1killxtr.zip
Size: 35.65 KB
Date: 09/26/97
Author: Angel Jefferson
Description: One extra level for doom with the same quality as #1kill
Build time: 10 hours
Editor(s) used:
Rating: (17 votes)

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Real nice old school gameplay. Recommended.x
This is dated May 1997. It's E3M1. I haven't played the original #1kill (which is id=8534). This is a good, short, fun retro-style map, with an entertaining final battle. The problem is that there's not much to do, there are only really two rooms, joined together by a short outdoors section. You can dodge past most of the monsters, especially at the very end. If you treat it as the first level of an E3 replacement it's pretty good though.x
A pretty good WAD. A recommended downloadx

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