Title: Two PWADs: DKS-E1L1.WAD and DKS-E1L3.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/2wad.zip
Size: 49.57 KB
Date: 12/30/05
Author: Unknown
Description: Run, shoot, survive (if possible).
Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (2 votes)

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Well... the first map is stupidly overammoed by any standards, while the second is tight by allows you to reach either exit very quickly. But it makes an interesting challenge if you try to kill everything. And the fact that neither map has fatal bugs places them above many maps. So I'll give this some stars.x
Yeesh. Both levels are so bad, it's insulting. Their only merits is that they both have enough hallways to resemble "levels", they have exits, and they don't crash doom.exe (or, they didn't for me, anyway). Ignore this garbage. 0/5 -VVx

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