Title: 666 mini-episode
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/666epis.zip
Size: 218.54 KB
Date: 11/16/94
Author: Steve Timson
Description: A mini-episode consisting of 5 levels. Replaces E3M4 through E3M8. A batch file is included to start the episode. Just unzip the file into the DOOM directory and type 666. It will give instructions on how to use the batch file (you have to give it a number indicating the difficulty level).

More hell is the basic theme. You start at the "home" of the spider-demon, but he is nowhere to be found. Find him, kill him, the end. Simple. Right?
Credits: Jamey Nielsen (nielsen@bears.stanford.edu), Ted Manning (tmanning@leland.stanford.edu), Lloyd Pique (lpique@crystald.com), and the others at my office... for playtesting
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU5.1, 5.2, 5.21gcc, and bsp12x
Bugs: none, except if you don't use v1.666 you can get the too many 2 sided line defs problem in E3M7 -- let me know if you find any other bugs!
Rating: (22 votes)

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