Title: Bloodworks
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/a-c/bloodworksa.zip
Size: 100.4 KB
Date: 01/27/24
Author: Magnapinna
Description: Small Doom 1, Doom-format mapset made by me in a short time. E1M1 is a short, cramped, beigeish techbase filled with blood and some creepy atmosphere. All textures are from the IWAD (albeit recoloured) so I tried to use strong detail/architecture and colour themeing. E1M2 is there so you won't go to Nuclear Plant. I might use this as part of a full E1 replacement one day, but for now consider it a standalone release.

If this seems kind of good for a first map that's because I've spent a very long time making worse maps that I never bothered to finish or release. Feels good to get one out the door for once.
Credits: Music: Lippeth (song: Lost in Place from the Plutonia midi pack), permission for use given in plutmidi.wad's text file

Graphics: Dir for the OPal custom palette, permission for its use given in OPal.wad's text file
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~24 hours
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE
Bugs: None

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