Title: WooD
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/d-f/dai-wood.zip
Size: 128.5 KB
Date: 12/01/16
Author: Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri
Description: A level i made for the BotB contest, where the purpose was to create a single map for vanilla Doom or Boom, so i've decided to create this map.

Is an abstract structure made out mostly from Wood / Vines / Rock textures sets in a floating place in fucking somewhere. Unluckily for you, i've going in this map with a pretty much random layout approach, so sorry if you found yourself lost.
Credits: ID, for the fancy game! My family BotB for hosting the Doom 'n' Boom contest People at Doomworld and BotB for testing and feedbacks rwdpa for the demo
Base: new from scratch
Build time: 3 days more than less for map02, a week with making a fixing map01
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, slade3, WadMangle
Bugs: some slime-trails
Rating: (9 votes)

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Getsu Fune
fun mapx
My demo goes out of sync because the wad has been updated since the recording. :Px
OK map; can be beaten on auto-pilot. x

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