Title: Driven
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/d-f/driven.zip
Size: 1.02 MB
Date: 08/29/20
Author: Fonze
Description: Originally made for The Standard E1 Community Project, Driven is a non-linear, medium-sized, encounter-focused map featuring a custom made Jimmy midi, plus 666 monsters on all difficulties and using stock textures. It takes about 10-20 minutes to casually finish with monsters or 90 seconds without them, however expect an hour+ on blind playthrough. Despite being a Doom 1 map, this map is very tough on UV so don't yolo-FDA it; the other difficulties are there for a reason!

The gameplay centers around rocket/plasma-based, lite-slaughter-ish arenas interspersed with light, quick flings on-the-go, while arming the player with the power weapons off the bat and plenty of ammo for them; expect to use mostly the rocket launcher and the plasma gun.

My core design ideas for this map revolved around making encounters with the Doom 1 cast that were both pressuring and quick to clean up and move on, aiming for a more visceral, punchy gameplay experience with as little tedium as possible built into the design. I'm happy with how the encounters have turned out and I'm looking forward to hearing the critique of players: if I've hit the marks I was aiming for or where I could have done better. Feedback on the visuals side of things would be nice as well. I try to at least learn something from all feedback so any thoughts are welcome and appreciated!

There is also a fun, fairly easy puzzle for the BFG. Please let me know if you find a way to break it.

Also included are 3 demos: UV-speed 1:44, (slomo*) nomo 1:03*, and casual, semi-sloppy UV-collector 14:10.
Credits: I would like to take this moment to give a huge thanks to Jimmy for writing this beautiful midi; it adds so much to the experience of playing the map and I'm so very grateful for this amazing piece of music to use. Thank you Jimmy; money well spent.

For those who have been considering commissioning a midi to be written, I highly recommend going with Jimmy; he's very professional, takes pride and cares about his work, and makes sure that the customer is satisfied. I'm totally happy with the entire process and will commission him again in the future.

I'd also like to give a big thanks to Id, the Doom community, Bloodshedder and The Green Herring for maintaining the archives, Ling and co. for keeping DW alive after AG shut down, rdwpa, DotW, DuckReconMajor, Steve D, HAK3180, Suitepee, NiH, plums, Arbys550, GarrettChan, Cyberia-Mix, and my bro for testing, my friend Tayo for testing the bfg puzzle, the folks at Something Awful for hosting this as their weekend wad, Bloodshedder and other folks at doomtwid for helping to answer my dumb questions and such, Xaser for the optional RK idea, rdwpa for additional ideas, breaking stuff and inspiring me to improve designs and game knowledge, and finally Dewdiepie for liking and subscribing to this video <3 Apologies if I've forgotten anybody but so many people have been helpful with this and I <3 you all!
Base: Biscuits made from scratch the way Momma used to.
Build time: Current date - Standard E1 Community Project date - time spent not working on map = build time.
Editor(s) used: GZDB, Slade3

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