Title: Fellowz E1M1 from Memory
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/d-f/fellowze1m1.zip
Size: 39.35 KB
Date: 02/27/22
Author: Fellowzdoomer
Description: Looking through some old files of mine, I found this WAD that was nearly completed -- surprise, surprise, it's another E1M1 remake! This was the last map I made purely on Android before I took my break from the Doom community as a whole, which is a shame because you can really tell I was getting comfortable with my (then primitive) creation tools. I figured I'd let it see the light of day after all this time for posterity and historic reasons.

I went back in with GZDoomBuilder to add an exit room, fix a couple tiny details, and add a little hint on how to progress, but otherwise everything else is completely untouched. I know my other works under this name aren't exactly the best, but I do hope you enjoy the last of my "early 1993" phase :)
Credits: TeamTNT for the Boom engine, Fishstix for the DOSBox port, the original DOSBox team, Bruce Benko for the creation of the map editor I forced into working on less than optimal hardware
Base: New, made from memory
Build time: About 3-4 days(?) + 30 mins fixing up little bugs
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit 4.3 with DOSBox Turbo, DEU, GZDoomBuilder-Bugfix
Bugs: Two zombiemen in the starting area are stuck in the wall. I left them because it added a bit to the clunky charm this wad has.

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