Title: Return to Hadron
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/g-i/hadron.zip
Size: 894.83 KB
Date: 06/19/15
Author: Matt "cannonball" Powell
Description: Another hero visits the ground zero site in Switzerland, a few changes have occured.
Credits: ID Games for doom BRPD for the sky (used in Map24 of CChest2) The artists/games/tv shows for which the music for this wad comes from. The People from doomworld who actually tested this and helped to implement better gameplay.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 months
Editor(s) used: Doom builder 2 and Slade 3
Bugs: Not any I have found. There are likely to be visplane overflows in Vanilla.
Rating: (42 votes)

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