Title: High/Low 4
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/g-i/highlow4.zip
Size: 355.59 KB
Date: 01/06/10
Author: Chris Hansen
Description: My small series of Doom levels that follow the original game's episodes continues with this episode 4 themed level for Ult Doom.

Expect no slaugherfest here. There's plenty of other levels out there who offer that. This is just old school Dooming where every kind of player should be entertained.

The level started out life way back in 2000, I think, as a Flay The Obscene level. Then I joined Doom Millenium and it became a part of that. But since that never got released, this level just faided into the lost corners of my harddrive. It survived until this date when it has now been completely revamped and has undergone a lot of changes with new areas, a new route through it and all the textures/flats changed. I have changed so many things that I might as well have built it from scratch :)

The level is made for zdoom/gzdoom to avoid incompatibility with other ports. There isnt a lot of features but if you want the experience I intended when making it, then the best thing is to use zdoom or gzdoom. There is a good chance that you wont encounter any problems if using another port, but that is your responsibilty, not mine. I prefer gzdoom where I think this level looks best. I use zdoom 2.4.0 and gzdoom 1.4.0 which runs the wad without problems.

Jumping is intentionally disabled and please don't use crouch either!
Base: Completely new level
Build time: 3 months revamping + the 9 years it has spent on my harddrive from when it was originally built!
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: None, hopefully.
Rating: (28 votes)

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