Title: Lunar Apocalypse
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/j-l/lunarapo.zip
Size: 162.29 KB
Date: 04/29/04
Author: Jimi
Description: A space station floating around The Moon.
Credits: iD software for creating DooM!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: about 7 hours
Editor(s) used: DooM Builder and PSP8 for the starsky texture
Bugs: In ZDooM some of the doors are weirdly aligned. In Legacy some switch is weirdly aligned and possibly some other textures. In Legacy and jDooM, you may see more than 1 Sun and Moon.
Rating: (8 votes)

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title reminds me of duke nukem 3d's second episodex
Nice map, Some textures are misaligned, but nothing horrible 3/5 - BloodMarine -x
Fair map, I'd say. 3/5x
A wonderful break from retarded WADs.x
Show quite a bit of potential. There are numerous graphical glitches but these can be forgiven. The Gameplay isn't always optimal but fun enough most of the time. 3 Stars leaning towards 4.x
Make the screenshot workin :Dx

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