Title: A Marine's Dream
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/m-o/marine.zip
Size: 801.93 KB
Date: 06/29/22
Author: Federico Milesi (aka MrFroz)
Description: This was my second level for Doom made from scratch. Unlike the first however, this one is specifically for The Ultimate Doom, because I wanted to do a lab-themed map and I didn't have the knowledge of how to edit a WAD to include more Doom 1 textures into Doom 2.

My goal was to try and improve upon the flaws of Blaze and I think I mostly succeeded at that. The level is easier to navigate, it's not punishingly hard, and the aesthetic is a little more coherent throughout this time around.

On the other hand, the gameplay is perhaps a bit too easy and the map design, although more detailed, is still blocky. Despite these issues, its my creation from 2011 that has aged the better, and I'm still proud of the level size and progression.

The title is A Marine's Dream because I actually wrote a story for this back in the day: you are supposed to be an US marine who got the opportunity to be part of a prestigious research lab's security, and as soon as you enter it you see an imp who has just murdered one of your would-be co-workers, and you have to try to reach the end of the lab in order to escape because you forgot the way back into the mountain.

I never wrote a story for a Doom level again.
Credits: -
Base: Made from scratch.
Build time: Nearly a month.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2.
Bugs: None.

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