Filename: levels/doom/Ports/megawads/hellbane.zip
Size: 6.22 MB
Date: 01/20/24
Author: Chris Hansen
Description: A 36 level megawad for Ult. Doom replacing all 4 episodes. It's a collection of my levels released over the past 25 years, so it's kind of anniversary release. Also, this is the year that Doom turns 30. congratulations Doom! Most levels you will recognize if you're familiar with my work while a few levels are brand new for this release. Some levels have seen minor or major alterations. I just that no matter how many levels you've played or haven't played, that you you will enjoy playing these levels. I've tried to avoid a simple copy and paste affair and have spent almost 2 years on making this an interesting, engaging and exciting compilation despite the very obvious reuse and recycling present. It is after all an anthology :)

New custom skies from scratch by me. I also made some liquid textures. Use them if you please in your own levels; just remember to credit me, thanks.


************************************************* Pistol start intended, but feel free to play continuously.

Jumping and mouselook NOT intended. May break progression if you do. Noclipping definitely not recommended.

The episode 3 sky will have a little ugliness in it if you use GZDoom in software renderer mode with capped skies on. Nothing mayor, just ignore it.

Load hb_stbar.wad after hellbane.wad if you prefer a fullscreen status bar.

Damaging floors: Nukage 2-5%. Lava 5-10%. Water and blood no damage.

IMPORTANT SOURCEPORT NOTE: In order for the boss levels to function correctly you will need one of these sourceports or newer. The wad requires a sourceport that supports UMAPINFO if you want the intended experience:

DSDA-Doom 0.26.2 PrBoom+ 2.5.17um PrBoom+ 2.6.66-ucrt64 PrBoom+ 2.61um-w32 Woof 11.2.0-win64 GZDoom dev builds from 16th July 2023 onwards (boss levels wont work in GZDoom 4.10)


List of levels (name, origin, changes):

E1M1: The frontier (Frontier Settlements: Distress!) modified E1M2: Meek (Meek) modified E1M3: Main-frame (CH Retro Episode) modified E1M4: Command center (CH Retro Episode) modified E1M5: Chemical processing plant (CH Retro Episode) modified E1M6: Primary base (CH Retro Episode) modified E1M7: Laboratories (CH Retro Episode) modified E1M8: The grinder (Gore) modified E1M9: Strategical offensive array (CH Retro Episode) modified E2M1: Rip and tear (Monument) minor fixes E2M2: Beta station (Monument) minor fixes E2M3: The wailing halls (Monument) minor fixes E2M4: Hive of the horde (Monument) minor fixes E2M5: Chasm control (Monument) minor fixes E2M6: Smash it! (Monument) minor fixes E2M7: Hunt'em highnlow (Monument) minor fixes E2M8: Domain of evil (Monument) minor fixes E2M9: The end? (Monument) minor fixes E3M1: The trickster's behest (128KB challenge) minor fixes E3M2: Chart the course for carnage (exclusive) new from scratch E3M3: The bloody realms (Bloody realms of Hell) minor fixes E3M4: Obituary written (2002 A Doom Odyssey) revamped E3M5: Twisted high (High/Low 3) modified E3M6: The remedy (exclusive) new from scratch E3M7: No way back (exclusive) new from scratch E3M8: Death will be no respite (exclusive) new from scratch E3M9: Flay the obscene (Flay the obscene - DeathmatcH) revamped E4M1: The blessed hex (The Blessed Hex) revamped E4M2: Hell unleashed (2002 A Doom Odyssey) modified E4M3: Disreputable stronghold (2002 A Doom Odyssey) modified E4M4: High'n'low (High/Low 4) revamped E4M5: Indominatable haunt (2002 A Doom Odyssey) modified E4M6: Odious grounds (2002 A Doom Odyssey) modified E4M7: Bond of hatred (Bond of hatred) modified E4M8: Deus in absentia (High/Low 4) revamped E4M9: Good vibrations (Good vibrations) modified


E1M1 "Gate crasher" Lazernaut E1M2 "Unending cruelty" Lazernaut E1M3 "Relinquished command" Lazernaut E1M4 "They must be contained" Lazernaut E1M5 "Dark matter anomaly" Lazernaut E1M6 "Rooftop" Korp E1M7 "Second wind" Lazernaut E1M8 "March of the blue jays" LightningBoltForever E1M9 "Ripper" Cacodreamin'

E2M1 "Armageddon apparatus" MFG38 E2M2 "Looking down the barrel" wallabra E2M3 "Mephisto's Lament" MFG38 E2M4 "Don't look it in the eye" LightningBoltForever E2M5 "Cauldron" wallabra E2M6 "Sight implement" wallabra E2M7 "Pebbles in wine" wallabra E2M8 "Final frontier" MFG38 E2M9 "Metrozipper" wallabra

E3M1 "Forest Orchestra" Herr Dethnout E3M2 "Aquatic nightmare" Crunchynut44 E3M3 "Just say no to yes" continnuum.mid E3M4 "Claustrophobic Corridors" Lazernaut E3M5 "After hours" LightningBoltForever E3M6 "The awaiting tempest" Korp E3M7 "Whims of the malevolent" MFG38 E3M8 "Tethered" Bobby J E3M9 "The devil's riff" Crunchynut44

E4M1 "Xazozwag" Korp E4M2 "Staring over the canyon" LightningBoltForever E4M3 "Red light" Cacodreamin' E4M4 "Ruin" Cacodreamin' and wallabra E4M5 "Galvanise" Crunchynut44 E4M6 "Wasp's Nest" wallabra E4M7 "Feud" LightningBoltForever E4M8 "Invite the apocalypse" MFG38 E4M9 "Back to the rail" wallabra

Intermission (D_INTER) Lazernaut Title (D_INTRO) Lazernaut Victory (D_VICTOR) LightningBoltForever Episode 3 ending (D_BUNNY) LightningBoltForever
Credits: I owe a huge thanks to these amazing people: Lazernaut wallabra LightningBoltForever MFG38 Crunchynut44 continnuum.mid Cacodreamin' Herr Dethnout Korp Bobby "J

Story by Endless

Episode artwork by NotMuchNormal

plums for tech advice and feedback

boris for lots of valuable feedback

Mechadon for advice on making sky textures

NightFright for extended statusbar (hb_stbar.wad)

Base: Old levels and some brand new
Build time: 2 years
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder, Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3, paint.net, Bitmap Font Writer, WadSpy, zokumbsp
Bugs: Boss levels does not work in certain ports. See above compatible ports list in "Description"

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