Title: Solar Struggle
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/megawads/sstruggle.zip
Size: 10.43 MB
Date: 07/09/22
Author: Community project, led by ViolentBeetle
Description: Solar Struggle is an Ultimate Doom, limit-removing (Complevel 3) community project. Each map was given a name first and then participants were invited to make a level based of it.

You are an unnamed convict imprisoned on Titan. When demon invasion threatens the Solar System, he gets a chance to escape. But there's a horde of demons between you and freedom.

The first 3 episodes are comparatively easy and short, and the 4th is ramping difficulty up quite a bit. The maps are balanced for pistol-start primarily.

The WAD is using UMAPINFO for level names on the automap, text screens and custom intermission art. It should not have any effect on gameplay, but it is where all the text is. So, it is recommended you use something that supports is such as newer versions of the gzDoom, DSDA-Doom or PrBoom+.
Credits: Lots of people. See credits.txt or CREDITS lump for full breakdown of mappers, MIDIs and art.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 8 months
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: E4M2 may or may not have some funky graphical issues remaining. Can't be reliable reproduced and identified.

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