Filename: levels/doom/Ports/p-r/pe4_dt3.zip
Size: 2.81 MB
Date: 12/13/05
Author: Paul Corfiatis, Kristian Aro,
Description: Death Tormention 3, complete Episode 4 replacement for Ultimate Doom. If you thought the original Death Tormention episodes were hard, well think again!. DT3 takes Ultimate Dooming to an all new level when it comes to challenge, architecture and gameplay. Bought to you by Paul Corfiatis (Ulverstone, Tasmania) and Kristian Aro (Helsinki, Finland).

Your mission is to escape from hell, and board a spaceship to destroy some big Spiders. Getting past Carmen is simple, but getting through the body of Satan is alot more demanding. The further you go, the darker it gets in DT3 until you end up in Space. But will you be lost in Space when you get up there??

You now have everything to worry about because you are gonna get ya bitchy arse ripped to shreds for all time in DT3 complete with huge levels, evil architecture, darkness and virtually no computer technology. At least there is some electricity to keep indoor areas dimly lit.
Base: From scratch Editors used Various (Doom Builder, Doomcad 6.1, DeeP97, Wintex etc) Known Bugs None hopefully. Please let me know if you find any
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Various (Doom Builder, Doomcad 6.1, DeeP97, Wintex etc) Known Bugs None hopefully. Please let me know if you find any
Bugs: None hopefully. Please let me know if you find any
Rating: (49 votes)

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