Title: Mini Doom
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/p-r/ph_mini.zip
Size: 315.76 KB
Date: 08/21/19
Author: James "Phobus" Cresswell
Description: It's The Ultimate Doom... But smaller. Four one-map episodes, each "speed mapped" in 6-10 hours. Yes, my ambitions did get in the way a bit. Each map has all difficulties implemented, is single-player only and, for added flair, was mapped in a different format from the others. E1 is Boom, E2 is ZDoom (Doom format), E3 is ZDoom (HeXen format) and E4 is GZDoom (UDMF). You'll need OpenGL for E4, due to an experimental room involving mirrors.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: approximately 32 hours
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder-bugfix, SLADE3
Bugs: None

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