Title: Project Titan Remastered
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/p-r/ptitan1rm.zip
Size: 498.25 KB
Date: 03/03/24
Author: Dylan Jarvis
Description: Project Titan is an idea me and my friend Brandon came up with where you start off on the moon of Saturn called Titan where once again UAC is up to their old trick experimenting with Demons and teleportation. The levels were originally for Brutal Doom but I didn't want that to be the only way to play.

This started off with Brandon and I designing our first level e1m2 learning the basics as we go then I went on to make the rest. A lot of inspiration is taken from Doom 1 and 2 because at the time I haven't played any other Wads yet. A lot of work here was made almost a decade ago now and isn't the prettiest maps.

I have how ever gone back and touched up the levels since these were made around 2014-15ish.

The Midis I've used for this:

E1M1: Megaman X sigma Stage 1 E1M2: Elvenpath by Nightwish E1M3: Donkey Kong Country GB Waterworld E1M9: Journey to Silius Level 3 Music E1M4: Super Metroid Upper Brinstar(Jungle Floor) E1M5: Castlevania Circle of the Moon Clocktower E1M6: Staccato Slaughter - MegaSphere E1M7: Sonic 2 Chemical Plant zone (Metal Remix) E1M8: Rise of the Triad - Goin' Down the Fastway by Lee Jackson
Credits: Brandon Ault and Chris Clark
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Took approximately 4 months with a breaks between each map.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade

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