Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/sigil_ii_v1_0.zip
Size: 1.92 MB
Date: 12/10/23
Author: John Romero
Description: Embark on a nostalgic nightmare: Immerse yourself in the dark, demonic world of DOOM like never before. John Romero, the original Icon of Sin, takes you on a terrifying journey to commemorate the 30th anniversary of this legendary, first-person shooter. SIGIL II is DOOM's unofficial sixth episode.

Upon breaching the pentagram of invulnerability in the final moments of SIGIL, Episode Five, you find yourself not on a victorious journey back to save Earth, but caught in Baphomet's cunning snare, catapulted into a new, grotesque domain of relentless torment, unending demon hordes, and an onslaught of heavy metal mayhem!
Credits: MIDI: James Paddock Cover: Christopher Lovell Tech Experts: Flambeau, UberGewei, dew, Keyboard_Doomer, AF-Domains, Xaser Logo: Sara Mena Producer: Brenda Romero Social: Maezza Romero Thanks to Sponge

Ultimate Doom Builder SLADE3 DoomTools: https://mtrop.github.io/DoomTools/ WhackEd4 (successor to DeHackEd) wadptr: https://soulsphere.org/projects/wadptr/
Base: New from scratch
Build time: One year, 2023
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: Some engines do not support episode 6

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