Title: Deadly Standards 2
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/standrd2.zip
Size: 2.38 MB
Date: 12/31/19
Author: Various: See the text at the bottom for more info.
Description: A community made Episode 2 replacement for Ultimate Doom, sequel of the (highly acclaimed?) Deadly Standards. Again, the only limitation is to create a map for Doom using only the stock assets (graphics, sounds, etc.), with the only expection of new midi soundtrack.

A list of maps with author descriptions and other info is at the bottom.
Credits: Doomworld members for participating in this community project. Walter Confalonieri \ Confetti for leading this project till the end. Team TNT for Eternal Doom (the blue portal texture used in VICTORY2) Also, everyone else who gave feedback and posted in the thread!
Base: New from scratch, expect E2M4 that cointains a heavily increased version of eagles02.wad MAP02 (is a speedmap made by myself, Daimon)
Build time: 1 year and 2 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE3, WadSpy GZDoomBuilder-bugfix

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