Title: Tribute Quilt (1.0.1)
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/tributequilt.zip
Size: 659.45 KB
Date: 08/08/23
Author: Community Map
Description: Tribute Quilt is a community project intended to celebrate Doom's anniversary. The map consists of 36 1024x1024 segments, worked on by 28 different people (Some made more than segment). Each segment is based off a particular Ultimate Doom map - some aimed to replicate a particular vibe, some remade a certain room and some tried to shrink down and cram an entire level into alloted space.

The result is a large, complex, non-linear map that rewards exploration. While there's several chokepoints, the map offers a lot of freedom to the players.

The map is tested on compatibility levels 2 and 3 and should work on any port except maybe full vanilla. However, to properly experience the map, it's best to use a port that supports UMAPINFO and boom sky transfer for every complevel. This won't affect gameplay, but it is necessary for intended visuals.
Credits: See credits.txt for each mapper and music
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 5 months
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE3, Eureka

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