Title: Ultratower
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/ultower.zip
Size: 121.99 KB
Date: 02/17/14
Author: Mr. Chris
Description: I didn't think the Tower of Babel wasn't so much of a tower so I decided to make a literal tower that you must ascend and battle your way up to reach the Cyberdemon at the very top.

Be prepared for a long climb!
Credits: id Software, Codeimp and Jimmy91
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 7 hours and 10 minutes
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, SLADE
Rating: (14 votes)

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In principle, a good idea, but the location just huge.x
Beatable with SR40. Stupid, stupid map and a waste of time.x
Every floor is the same but with more enemies, then an obnoxiously long elevator to a standard Cyberdemon battle at the top. Would have been much better if every floor was bigger, had a different layout and posed unique sets of challenges. You can skip the automatic gates on nearly every floor by diagonally running which indicates a lack of care.x
That was fun. Good job!x
Not fun and ugly to boot. Would have been good in 1994.x
I love it! Simple, but it really was kickass! I used my custom monsters + hell, it was some death-defying experience! Keep it up! Let the monsters do the talking! :) ~5/5x
This wasn't so bad.I found the detail not to be so bad as I expected, but the gameplay is very repetive and boring, basically, its just the same, but more fat monsters appear every time.x

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