Title: Aarrghh!
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/aarrghh.zip
Size: 170.37 KB
Date: 03/03/06
Author: Oleg Tolstkhine and Alex Korobka
Description: This is an incomplete episode of four maps. See the original txt (in the zip and appended to this document) for comments on the individual maps.
Credits: DEU team, Geoff Allan, Colin Reed
Base: New from scratch
Build time: See the original txt
Editor(s) used: DoomEd 2.50-2.60 beta4 DEU 5.1-5.2 BSP 1.0-1.12 idBSP for REJECT
Bugs: See the original txt The secret exit is on E1M1 (which was intended to become E1M4 in the completed episode).
Rating: (8 votes)

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Highly overrated even as 1994 map. Only e1m9 is potentially interesting, but has too many flaws making playing it irritatingly, such as too difficult puzzles, unforgiven in choosing the wrong route, very unbalanced and even unfair monster placement, and unhinted secrets forcing the player to press every wall. And of course the usual huge amount of texture misalignments. Rated as 1994 map: 3/5 for the effort (because DB2 did not exist yet), but don't expect decent architecture or gameplay.x
Pretty pretty good.x
Very good maps, and definitely harcore in terms of challenge.x
Good levels for their time, especially the E1M8.x
Amazing for their age.x
These maps are seriously awesome for their age. They are quite challenging as well. 4/5 - Belialx

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