Title: The Abandoned Base of Hellspawn
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/abohs.zip
Size: 39.56 KB
Date: 08/01/08
Description: After going through just about every hellspawn you could go through, A message through your radio tells you to return to Phobos, because some hellspawn has been breaking stuff at the Phobos base. After killing everything in sight, you come to this level. Oh, by the way, my friend's initials are in it.
Credits: Oliver Montanuy for DeuTex 3.6 Zink the Dink for EnDOOMer 1.0.1 Raphel Quinet for DEU 5.21 Jason Hoffoss for DMapEdit 4.0.11 Id Software
Base: . After killing everything in sight, you come to this level. Oh, by the way, my friend's initials are in it.
Build time: 6 days
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit 4.0.11, DeuTex 3.6, EnDOOMer 1.0.1
Bugs: None
Rating: (12 votes)

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